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Nor_Cal_Cuber's aquarium questions thread


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Nor_Cal_Cuber here is your thread to get help/advice on your tanks and stocking issues.


Here is the stuff that has already been covered in the sexy thread. Please add your own advice/opinions. His posts are in red, our replies are in black. Please keep this civil. Thanks!!


quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Nov 16 2008, 09:05 PM' post='1905920']

Got 5 Sexies and a small anemone and a bit more live rock fresh water change and the sexies are happy. Two of them have hosted in the anemone already. Pics to follow after I put the kids to bed.




quote name='Lalani' date='Nov 16 2008, 09:13 PM' post='1905934']

Congrats on getting sexies!!

But what kind of anemone and what size tank is it in...?




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Nov 16 2008, 09:26 PM' post='1905970']

Small 2" Long tentacle, kinda white with green tips. 5 gallon Odyssea with good filtration, extra power head and additional lighting although it kept many corals alive with the stock lighting which is much like the aqua pod.




quote name='Lalani' date='Nov 16 2008, 09:29 PM' post='1905976']

Can you post a picture of it? And what size tank is it in?




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Nov 16 2008, 10:23 PM' post='1906104']

5 gallon Odyssea with upgraded lighting, filtration, and an additional power head.



Sorry Blackberry pic, cord to my cam is at my office.





quote name='Lalani' date='Nov 17 2008, 11:25 AM' post='1906628']

Nor_Cal_Cuber, I can't really tell from the pic what kind of nem it is.... but I'm 90% sure that it should not be in a small tank. It's going to grow too large, and sting other corals. Plus, they require high lighting (metal halide really) and regular feedings that would dirty up the water is such a small tank. You're best bet would be to return the anemone to the LFS.



quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Nov 17 2008, 03:03 PM' post='1906894']

I do have strong lighting for a 5g, (2) 18w cf bulbs, day and black light type, as well as a Rio Sun 10 LED right above the anemone. I feed it krill with tweezers and I will move it when it grows to much or when I get my 25-34g setup. What do you think? Still a BAD idea? The shrimp LOVE it. They really bring sexy back on the anemone.


Just bought them some more live rock today.




quote name='arwndsh' date='Nov 17 2008, 03:10 PM' post='1906900']

Ok so yes the anemone needs to be removed NOW. Not when it gets bigger or you set up a new tank. NOW!! 18w is not a lot of light for a 5 gallon tank, its what I have over my 2.5g tank and I only consider it adequate. So yes it is still a bad idea. If you really want an anemone for your sexies consider getting one that stays small such as a mini-mini carpet if you can find one or even a small flower anemone. OR you could just get some xenia or a frag of kenya tree which they adore just as much as a nem.




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Nov 17 2008, 03:21 PM' post='1906913']

So it's going to die in there? If so then I will take it out and get some corals that look like an anemone.




quote name='Lalani' date='Nov 17 2008, 03:40 PM' post='1906941']

Yes, please return the anemone to the LFS. You definitely don't have the correct lighting or setup for one. 18 watts of CF light over a 5gal tank is considering LOW light, so choose corals that don't require much lighting.




quote name='arwndsh' date='Nov 17 2008, 03:41 PM' post='1906942']

Yes it is highly likely that it will die in there, especially since it is of the unkown variety. Replacing it with corals is a good idea.




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Nov 24 2008, 02:48 PM' post='1917692']

Got a new BioCube 8g for the Sexies, and their anemone. 4.5 watts per gallon better for the anemone?

So I put one fire fish in and have 5 Sexies, think adding 4 more sexies and one more fire fish is okay?


Pics to follow, the net is down at home and I left the camera there.




quote name='Lalani' date='Nov 24 2008, 03:37 PM' post='1917770']

Ok... watts per gallon is not an accurate estimate of light for saltwater tanks. The anemone most likely needs strong T5HO or Metal Halide lighting. I'm guessing the BioCube has compact fluorescent bulbs? The nem is not going to do well, imo. And once again, the nem will probably grow quite large.


For an 8gal. tank, I would not add a second firefish. If you want a second fish, and keep up with weekly water changes, you could get a small goby like a clown goby.




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Nov 28 2008, 05:55 PM' post='1923534']

How about with 2 firefish as well?




quote name='Lalani' date='Nov 28 2008, 06:32 PM' post='1923566']

Firefish shouldn't give them any trouble, as far as I know!



quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Dec 8 2008, 01:58 PM' post='1939370']

How bad is a Golden Wrasse with my Sexies, he has been there with them for 3 weeks and basically they stay close to their anemone during the day and cruise the tank when the attenic and leds are on. He doesn't bother them and I haven't lost one. I read they are bad for ornamental shrimp but this one seems not to care about them. (7 Sexies in BC8)




quote name='Lalani' date='Dec 8 2008, 06:23 PM' post='1939957']

Welllllll, it's good that the yellow wrasse hasn't bothered the sexies, but they aren't exactly reef safe, and as you said, are known to eat ornamental shrimp...... That means, sooner or later, he'll probably want to take a bite. Also, a BC8 is a small tank to house a yellow wrasse, do you plan on moving him to a larger tank?




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Dec 9 2008, 05:25 PM' post='1942014']

I took that little sand swimmer out, took all but a 1/4" of sand out to wrangel him. Haven't seen my Firefish in 24 hours but the sexies are happier. Now I ordered 6 more to add to my 7.



quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Dec 23 2008, 12:51 PM' post='1965877']

So I have my stock up to 10 Sexies in the BC8 now. One came free with an Ricordea Mushroom that I got with five large heads that's was labeled a green hairy mushroom for $39, btw came with a cling-on Sexy, what a steal!


How many more can I add?


Current Stock: 10 Sexies, 2 Firefish, 2 Hermits, 2 small snails, one Algae Goby.




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Dec 23 2008, 01:39 PM' post='1965930']

Isn't that fresh water food, seems like a bad choice for feeding? Algae builder?




quote name='Lalani' date='Dec 23 2008, 01:48 PM' post='1965940']

Good job on the freebie sexy!

You can add as many as you want, as long as they don't look crowded, really.

And what is an algae goby exactly?



If that is the type el fabuloso uses, it doesn't seem to have any negative effects on his pico tank. ;)




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Dec 23 2008, 01:52 PM' post='1965947']

Sorry, Still a n00b: Algae Blenny






quote name='arwndsh' date='Dec 23 2008, 02:01 PM' post='1965958']

Please remove this fish before it starves. They get to several inches long and will be way too big for your tank in no time. In the 8 gallon tank the two firefish are enough in the way of fish.




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Dec 23 2008, 02:24 PM' post='1965986']

There is a LOT of algae in the tank so he will be feed for a bit. I have a 12g reef with 2 Clowns, 1 Royal Dottyback, 1 Mandarin Goby, and a Cleaner Shrimp as well as crabs and snails.


My 34g tank is aggressive, just started it with Damsels and a Yellow Spotted Puffer so I think the 12 would be the only suitable home if there is enough room for his bio load. The tank is skimmed.




Ok so maybe for the next week or so he has enough food but for the long run he will out grow the food supply and the tank. He will get to around 5 inches long and need to be in at least a 30g tank according to live aquaria http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...4&pcatid=94. Thats at a minium of 30 gallons with no other algea eaters in there.


So no he will not fit in the 12 gallon. The mandarin shouldn't even be in the 12g as they like to move around and graze as well. Liveaquaria again recommends at least a 30g tank for them http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_di...&pcatid=551.


You really should start researching these things BEFORE you buy them and put them in tanks that are unsuitable for them. This hobby is all about patients so please aquire some.


And as for the 34g tank you just started it and already have several fish in it? Please tell me you cycled it first properly. I think you should get a better id on the puffer because I couldn't find one with that commen name and just so you are foreward there are only a few puffers that would be suitable for this size tank. So you might want to think about that.




quote name='Lalani' date='Dec 23 2008, 02:53 PM' post='1966034']



To add to the mandarin info, they really shouldn't be kept in a tank smaller than 30gal. (ideally 100+) and even then you will need to make sure they are eating properly as they graze mainly on pods. Your tanks are way overstocked!



quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Dec 26 2008, 11:45 AM' post='1969436']

For one I am smart enough to take out the algea benny when it outgrows the tank, in the mean time I can simply feed him see weed if algea runs low?


As far as the Mandarin goes, he is healthy and eats brine as well as pods from cheato.


How am I overstocked? Actually toke the fire fish out of the BC8 so it has a low load.


As far as my 34, I waited a month before putting anything in there expect Damsels. It currently has 5 small Dasmels, a niger trigger and this size and look puffer: Brackish aclimated to salt.






quote name='BKtomodachi' date='Dec 26 2008, 03:00 PM' post='1969597']

I would recommend starting another thread for this. You've certainly got some issues to work out.




quote name='Lalani' date='Dec 26 2008, 03:16 PM' post='1969605']

Nor_Cal_Cuber, nobody is trying to pick on you, but you seem to have some misconceptions about what and how you are keeping livestock. If you would like to know what we're talking about, please start another thread. Oh, and did you rehome that nem you had in your BC8?




quote name='Nor_Cal_Cuber' date='Dec 30 2008, 02:36 PM' post='1975529']

The anemone is still in the BC8 and is thriving, I am waiting on my new power compacts to come for my 34 to move him into that tank. As far as my stock goes, I feel that I am fine and I will post some pics of my tanks, I do weekly water changes and the Benny is going to be an appliance, after he is done in the BC8, he will clean my AP 12 then it's to my friends 44 bow front for the rest of his life. Work for you? :D




quote name='Lalani' date='Dec 30 2008, 02:54 PM' post='1975553']

Not enough light for a nem.



Doesn't matter what works for me, but what works for your livestock.

Like I stated earlier, if you would like to discuss your stocking issues, please start a thread about it.


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Nothing is dead, no lost shrimp, tanks look great, owned?


Thanks for starting this thread, I appreciate it arwndsh.


So what is so wrong now?

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Nothing is dead, no lost shrimp, tanks look great, owned?


Thanks for starting this thread, I appreciate it arwndsh.


So what is so wrong now?


This. You have a fish that could get to a foot long in a 34gallon tank. A fish that can grow incredibly fast. Just be sure you are ready for that.


As far as my 34, I waited a month before putting anything in there expect Damsels. It currently has 5 small Dasmels, a niger trigger and this size and look puffer: Brackish aclimated to salt.




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That's cute. Immature, but cute. And, I was referring to someone else starting a thread for you so you'd stop mucking up the other one. But, whatever.

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That's cute. Immature, but cute. And, I was referring to someone else starting a thread for you so you'd stop mucking up the other one. But, whatever.


Just poking fun back, little pun intended.


Lalani, will post up that info soon. :)

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10 Sexy Shrimp

1 Lawnmower Blennie (2.5") Temp

Plate Corals, 2-3"

1 Five Head Neon Green hammer Coral

Various Mushrooms

Couple Snails and Hermits



2 Percula Clowns 1 small, one 2.5"

1 Royal Dotty Back

1 Mandarin Goby

1 Cleaner Shrimp

1 Emerald Crab

Pocu Snail

Various Snales and hermits

1 Eight Inch Plate Coral

1 Small Lettuce Plate Coral

Bubble Coral 6"

Frogspawn Coral 7"

Recordia Mushrooms, 5-7 heads

Colt Coral small

Leather Coral 5"

Hawaiian Feather Duster

Large Zooanthid Cluster


34g Hex:

1 Niger Trigger 4"

1 Yellow Tale Damsels, Small

2 Three Spot Dominos, Small

2 Three Stripe Damsels, Small.

1 Ocellate Damselfish

1 Yellow Wrasse

Large Turbo Snail


8" Sebae Anemone? Green with Pink tips, 2-3" tenticles



Off the top of my head

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hex tanks provide poor swimming room. At least, every normal hex tank I've seen. Most of those (especially the trigger) need a good amount of swimming room, which is generally a normal horizontal path. Hex tanks provide very poor horizontal swimming space but give a lot of vertical space, which is generally not that important for fish.




Just foudn this link under this fish forum.

RK Triggerfish info


Aquarium size is always an important consideration when dealing with fish that can reach 8 or 10" in length. Toss in the triggerfish's long-range swimming capabilities and this concern is magnified. Ideally speaking, I would prefer to see each of these fish added to an 8 or 10' long aquarium. However, the stark reality is that the vast majority of reefkeepers do not own aquariums of this magnitude, yet this will not deter them from keeping fish that are not ideally suited to their aquarium's size. With this in mind I will recommend a 4' long aquarium as the absolute minimum size. Additionally, in such a confined aquarium the triggerfish should be the largest fish and other open water swimming fish, such as surgeonfish, should be avoided. Regardless of what size aquarium you choose, be sure the tank is aquascaped in a manner which will maximize the available swimming area. Although it's not always the most attractive aquascaping option, a reef wall will mimic their natural habitat and afford the fish ample room along the front to swim.
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You also have a lot of damsels in the hex, most which are hyper aggressive species.


Also, you have a lot of fish in your aquapod. The mandarin will likely starve and die.


Finally, plate corals like to have strong lighting, which often can't be provided by power compacts. Also, put all the plate corals on the sand, if you haven't done that already.

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hex tanks provide poor swimming room. At least, every normal hex tank I've seen. Most of those (especially the trigger) need a good amount of swimming room, which is generally a normal horizontal path. Hex tanks provide very poor horizontal swimming space but give a lot of vertical space, which is generally not that important for fish.




Just foudn this link under this fish forum.

RK Triggerfish info


Trigger removed and swapped for a Hawkfish.


You also have a lot of damsels in the hex, most which are hyper aggressive species.


Also, you have a lot of fish in your aquapod. The mandarin will likely starve and die.


Finally, plate corals like to have strong lighting, which often can't be provided by power compacts. Also, put all the plate corals on the sand, if you haven't done that already.


Removed Yellow Tail Damsel and 1 Three Stripe so:


34g Hex:

1 Hawk Fish, 3"

1 Mimic Tang

1 Cinnamon Clown, Red and Black Anemonefish, Black

1 Three Spot Domino, Small

1 Three Stripe Damsel, Small.

1 Ocellate Damselfish

1 Yellow Wrasse

Large Turbo Snail


8" Sebae Anemone? Pink with Green Tips, 2-3" tenticles


As far as the Mandarin goes, he has been in that tank for 6+ months and eats pods and brine shrimp, he surely will not starve!


My plate corals are thriving under compacts, go Sunpaq!

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Where in Nor cal do you live? I want to check out your tanks.


Nevada City, north of Auburn, off HWY 49.


I did just finally get my new connection at home so I will be taking some fts and posting soon. Looking at picking up an Emperor Angel today.

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Omg please dont get a emp angel that would be stupid and horrible. You really need to research each fish species before creating anymore saltwater abortions of fish tanks. You need a 100+ gallon tank IMO to house one of these show pieces and throwing it in a nano would be horrible.


There is a moron on here who has 2 spanish hog fish and a queen angel in his 24 gallin aquapod and he tried to justify his tank in everyway possible and was wrong each time. This isn't kiddie freshwater time.

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Omg please dont get a emp angel that would be stupid and horrible. You really need to research each fish species before creating anymore saltwater abortions of fish tanks. You need a 100+ gallon tank IMO to house one of these show pieces and throwing it in a nano would be horrible.


There is a moron on here who has 2 spanish hog fish and a queen angel in his 24 gallin aquapod and he tried to justify his tank in everyway possible and was wrong each time. This isn't kiddie freshwater time.


It's in a 34g and will take almost a year at least to outgrow that tank.


Pick up two Duncans coral for my ap12 today too.

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No, you're just an idiot like the rest who try to mask their lack of knowledge with false information.



Okay, we will just wait and see I guess. I have removed 3 fish from the 34 and plan to remove the tang soon.


Don't go name calling on a ibb, that's idiocy at it's best

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this thread delivers,










































not, noob

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34g Hex:

1 Juvenile Emperor Angel

1 Hawk Fish, 3"

1 Mimic Tang-On it's way out

1 Cinnamon Clown, Red and Black Anemonefish, Black

1 Three Spot Domino, Small

1 Three Stripe Damsel, Small.

1 Ocellate Damselfish

1 Yellow Wrasse

Large Turbo Snail


8" Sebae Anemone

6" White Atlantic Anemone


Still a disaster? I will remove the three stripe as well I'm thinking


Picked up some Dunkens Corals Today for my ap12, 2 heads.

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So, you're removing a tang, but adding an emperor angel?! You seriously need to research the adult sizes of your fish. If your tank can't hold them as adults, then DON'T BUY THEM. Just wait until you can get a bigger tank.

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