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Cultivated Reef

a big bucket of water

Guest theoldman

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Guest theoldman

I have one of those large blue barrels (not sure how many gallons it will hold) and my intention is to store RO/DI water in it. It has a black lid that although not watertight I believe it is airtight.


I want to store RO water in it and as needed I will transfer from it into a bucket and mix accordingly for my saltwater.


My concern is since the water in this bucket will not be used all at once will it become contaminated from just sitting there?


What is the longest time I should keep RO water?


Any thoughts on this subject?

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Typically, coloured containers are more likely to leach contaminants. (that's racist).



It's usually recommended to use a white or clear "food grade" container....but most plastics of all colours don't leach into the water in any substantial capacity. I don't think you'll have issues with the barrel...especially if you test as recommended. 0 TDS is 0 TDS.



Oh, and measure the water when you put it in, because it might not start out as zero.....

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Guest theoldman

thanks everyone

This is a good clean food grade container.

The lid has a good snug fit and although not airtight it should do a good job at keeping most contaminates and light out of the barrel. Therefore I hope that nothing will grow.


I plan on getting a TDS meter and using it often.

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