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Cultivated Reef

Start of a 29G


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Hello everyone, I wanted to start a thread of my tank build and hopefully get some insight along the way. The beginning pictures are poor cell phone pictures but I have started to use my real camera so they will get better.


I started by deciding on a tank size. I chose a 29gal that is 30x12x18. I then began designing and building a stand for it.


Here is the stand after framing and most of the sheeting. I used 2x3's for the frame and .5" sanded plywood for the exterior; except for the back panel which is .25"



Here it is with some trim and the front panel. The trim around the top of the tank was undecided when i first bought all my supplies. I ended up using the base trim upside down along with a top cap of the pine lattice that I had bought to trim the inside of the door.








I ordered a super nano overflow kit from gl#######s.com along with some locline stuff for my returns. The quality of the overflow is really good. The design of the baffle and having a vented elbow seems promising for cutting down noise. Here is what i got...




The plumbers putty was purchased from Lowes. Next I started on the seemingly scary task of drilling holes in my brand new aquarium. I measured out my overflow height and chose my locations for everything. My first hole, the largest one for the 1" bulkhead took forever. I barely used any pressure and it probaly took an hour of drilling, but hey, it was successful and I didnt crack anything!






The next 2 holes for the .75" locline went much quicker. All in all I had pretty good success keeping the chip out to a minimum. Below is a test fit of everything..




Not pictured is the 10gal tank I bought for my sump/refugium. I originally bought a 5.5gal for this task but realized how hard it would be to create an adequate setup in such a small space. I did keep this tank though, I hope it can act as a possible acclimation or emergency hospital tank in the future.


My next projects will be to paint the back exterior wall of the display tank either black or dark blue, and I will be assembling the baffles in my sump tank.


Let me know what you think!


More pictures, some more progress....


I got the back of the tank painted today. I used krylon satin black, did 2 coats.




Fitted with some of the plumbing, I made a mistake cutting the bulkhead down for the overflow box so its not there yet.




I finally had a chance to get my rock out and try some different layouts. I decided to draw out the footprint of my tank and work on the bench.




Layout #1:




Layout #2:




Layout #3:




So far I like 3 the most. It offers some good caves, room up front for some future corals or other things to be low by the sand and has some height on the right side.

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This past week I did a cleansing process on my dry rock that was recomended by a LFS to get rid of any sand and other things that may have still been on the rock. This involved soaking the rock in bleach with a powerhead, rinsing it and then soaking in RO water with a powerhead and adding some muriatic acid to take a layer of the rock away.


I was really happy with the result of this. My dry rock went from a very dull sand sort of color to something more like fuji live rock with nice reds of other darker colors.


Currently I am trying to figure out what kind of lights to run. I want to have different coral frags and inverts, not sure on exact types yet. I have been looking at running either a CF setup like i listed above or a 150-175watt MH. Is T5 any better or.. what pros does it have other the others. Cost really is a factor and I love building things. Please give me your suggestions and thoughts.

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Everything looks interesting so far. So, you are choosing to start with dry base rock? Why did you opt for that instead of live rock? Just curious.

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The build up looks really good thus far. My first sw tank was a 29. Large enough to have some fun with & has some good dimensions. Stand looks dynamite.


As far as aquascaping. I like #2 over #3. Option 2 offers what seems to be a "bigger" look... it will also look amazing once covered in corals & live stock swiming around. Speaking of which, do you have any plans?


Please dont make the same mistake as me, dont use power compacts. i regret buying mine. i say this because im limited to what i can keep as far as corals. Softies mostly. If you like building things. get a 150 mh retro kit & a t5 retro kit.... build a canopy & run 2 t5 atnic bulbs & the mh bulb.... that will give you the best of everything (at least IMO )


best of luck & keep up updated

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Thanks for the advice, I was originally looking at a PC setup but the more I read the more I realized how quickly I could outgrow them.


As for the dry rock. I made this choice for two reasons. One was the price of dry rock was very cheap, like $1.35 per pound. I will be buying a couple pounds of quality live rock from a LFS to seed the dry rock. I will also be using live sand. From what I have read this should give me a better chance to control unwanted growth on the rock. It may take longer to grow, but that will be ok.

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welcome, i am new here as well just started my biocube 14 two weeks ago. i like the rockscape option 2 the best, looks more balance and has tons of room on the sand for corals which cant be over looked, i wish i had a little more......good luck

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  • 5 weeks later...

Here is an update. I have a canopy built and went with a Coralife retro fit kit with 2 24" PC.


Here is a fts...




and the sump area without the fuge light.




I used caribsea live sand in the display and fuge area. After about 48 hours running I tested and have..


pH 8.2

Amm. 0.75 ppm

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I don't know if you are doing FOWLR, but if you plan on having coral, you may want to consider more light.


also i would get the rock off the glass to the right... just my two cents.


nice start.

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great start!


^+1 rock off the glass.


and +1 to needing more light.


i have a 20H (16" tall) with 2x24watt PC's and 2x24watt T5HO's....its enough light for LPS and the more light demanding zoo's (with high PAR bulbs)....i suggest looking into adding a 2x24watt T5HO retro sometime soon. you wont regret it!


:welcome: to nano-reef and happy reefing!

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Yet another 29 aga tank. There are quite a few good looking ones here on nano-reef.


Looks like your off to a good start. Go with halides or T5HO, if you feel like getting in on the latest fad. :P

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Shhh! He didn't know I was, lol.


Actually there are some pretty good looking ones that I have seen in the last year on this site.


anyone i may know? :happy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

It has been a little while and thought I would post an update. I took everyone's advice on the rock placement and got everything off the glass. Here is a new full tank shot of the new rock scaping.




Here is an updated picture of the sump setup....




Has anyone ever had their silicone turn yellow like that? Is this something I should be concerned about? My most recent water test was...


Salinity 1.024

Ammonia 0.3


I am at about day 16 with having the tank running. Any suggestions on a light cycle during the early stages of a tank? I have been running the fuge light on a 12 hr cycle each night and have some algae growth there but have been leaving the display tank lights off. Thanks!

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I love your 'scaping and your tank (okay...I'm in the 29 club lol) Your scaping is going to look really awesome when you have corals on it.


I'll be watching your build...keep up the great work.

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I've heard arguments both ways on the lights. I left mine on a regular day schedule just because I wanted to see my tank and everything cycled just fine. Some say leaving the lights off dischourages bad algae.

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  • 2 months later...
Here is an update. I have a canopy built and went with a Coralife retro fit kit with 2 24" PC.


Here is a fts...




and the sump area without the fuge light.




I used caribsea live sand in the display and fuge area. After about 48 hours running I tested and have..


pH 8.2

Amm. 0.75 ppm

i just set up a 20 long and looking for a skimmer ,is that a aqua c skimmer and is it QUIET?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...
Any updates? I'm setting up a 29g.



Havent been back to my post in awhile.. here is an update FTS from last week. I just picked up some new frags last night and will post another picture soon.



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