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Coral Vue Hydros

My 18g Via Aqua


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So I still have my old but trusty Via Aqua. Today while at the lfs I noticed they has a $20 nanocube 12 that would fit perfectly under my stand to become a sump so here is the plan...


Tank Specs:


  • Display Tank: 18g Via Aqua
  • Fuge: 12g Nanocube
  • Skimmer: AquaC Remora w/ MJ1200
  • Lighting: 4 bulb T5 setup with PAR38 bulb on the horizon
  • Filtration: 15 lbs. Marco Rock in the display, 15ish lbs in the sump
  • RKL controller
  • Flow: MP10, ????????? return
  • Coral: LPS/zoas.
  • Fish: I am leaning towards Green Banded Gobies, but would like a swimmer as well. That's further down the road though.


Right now I am leaning towards the glass-holes nano overflow kit and a 3/4" return drilled into opposite corners of the tank. Though after some more reading I am intrigued as to how big of an overflow box I would need for a Herbie. I would like the MP 10 along the back wall with as little interference as possible.


The drain will fall into chamber 1 of the cube, then flow into the main area of the cube. I plan on using eggcrate and nylon mesh to section off a spot for the skimmer, otherwise I plan on it mainly being a fuge. I am going to remove the divider between chambers 2 and 3 for the return.

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The offensive crab



and random coral pics from the current tank













I'm not sure what this one is...



nice tank!


but what's with all the dead clams?


1 was a wifey impulse buy. She loves the purdy clams.


The other had a mushroom on it, but the mushroom moved.


I've lost

1 Clam and one wall hammer. (Brown jelly)

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I lost my only clam in my AP12. It was only about 2in, my lighting was only 70w sunpod, and I later discovered an infestation of whelks. So it is really kinda hard for me to know whether it was poor husbandry or the clam was doomed.


Now that I have 250w HQI and no whelks, I really want to try another clam - but I'll get one that is at least 3" this time.


Those zoas (top-down) are sweet , btw.

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Thanks, I won those zoas and the hammer near the magfloat in my reef clubs monthly raffle. Talk about stretching a dollar. After the holidays I'm planning on fragging it out for trades fingerscrossed


When the tank was originally setup we kept a Duraso on the sandbed. It did well, but when it was large enough to shoot water out of the tank it was time to go.




you have no idea jer. It took me 5 tries to get that bastage out. I even FW dipped the whole rock at one point. When I moved in November I dropped a cube of mysis into the bucket I was using to move the rock. I pulled the rock out and the crab stayed behind.

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Ack, how'd I miss this one! :P

Nice tank!


It was buried 4 pages back in 3 days :eek::(



that last coral looks like an acan echin


cool. I'm happy with how it's colored up. It was a light tan when I bought it. Now it's a nice purple w/green highlights and whitish bumps.


If I figure out my camera settings. (I've only had it 4 years) I'll take some better pictures of it.


Next on the buy list: Peppermint shrimp :angry:


step away from the purple-up bottle.


won't touch the stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

bad batch that resulted in a bryopsis outbreak.


First pic in the thread is a month after I switched back. The right half of the tank looked like a rainforest

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  • 4 weeks later...

nothings changed yet except for a little bit of coralline growth. The next reef club meeting is in two weeks though. I plan on doing some trading then. :happydance:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got multiple floaters. omgomgomg









































floating bags of new corals that is.

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I had a cooling fan incident the other day and now I've switched temporarily to an 80W Current USA fixture due to heat.


I hope my acans will be ok :scarry:

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