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Cultivated Reef

light question!!!


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maybe to grow macro in a fuge. but not to light a reef, a reef needs quality lighting since you are trying to replicate the amount of light it would get in the ocean.

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I have a 55 watt powercompact light on my 10 gallon. Thats 5.5 watts per gallon, and that is at the lower end of the range. Many nano owners have 10-15 watts per gallon. Your 30 watt bulb would be enough wattage, but since it is an incandescent bulb, the light it puts out will be the wrong color. The yellower light will accel at growing algea (usually not desirable). Reefs need a whiter 10,000k and/or actinic light. You could do a screw in compact fluorescent light, they come in a combo bulb (1/2 10000k white, 1/2 blue actinic). Do some research on power compact lights and you'll find tons or possibilities.

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I just saw some small white light kind of like these ones but four and it was smaller. it was 80watt with only 15watt comsuption. what do you think of that? is it okay???

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There you go. You can use that light, but only with soft corals. Get mushrooms, polyps, etc. Nothing with a skeleton, and you will be fine.


If you can afford a more powerful light, do it, because the light is the most important piece of a reef tank next to water quality.

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You need to make sure that any light that you want to use has a color temperature (kelvin) value of 5500 or better. Most lights sold are between 3000-4000 kelvin which is unsuitable for a reef tank....all the lights youve suggested are probably unsuitable because they look like standard household fixtures and bulbs. in other words they probably fall into the 3000-4000 kelvin color temperature range.

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