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chairub angle


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i think i spelled thatright. mylfs has one of these and i was thinking about getting it. they only get the be 3inches long according to her book. but the book did not say if the were overly agressive or if the need alot of space to swim. i don't think i'd put one in my current tank but i may start a nother nano just to keep one. if they can be safely housed in such a small tank. what would be the smallest tank one of these fish could live in and be happy? and what is their temperment?

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They don't all nip at corals. Mine doesn't. It's one of those, some do and some don't kind of a thing. They will nip at any sponges you have growing on the bottom side of rocks. They do an excellent job of eating hair algea. I supplement his diet with spirulina.:)

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I had one for a time. Actually, it did great in my 10g for over a month, with no aggressiveness towards the clownfish, and I never noticed any coral nippings.


This was a great lesson in doing research before purchasing though. After I purchased it, I went online and found all the info on it. I decided that I would keep it until the first sign of aggression/claustrophobia.


Sure enoguh, I did start to notice some signs that it was cramped, so I took it back to the LFS and traded for a fromia star.

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offsprg01, My angel is in a 29g. I also have 2 false percula clowns and a yellow watchman goby. The tank was well established (over 8 months) before I added the cherub. I suppose that helps alot. Mostly he swims around picking at algea, I'd say he does the work of 10 blue legged hermit crabs as far as that goes.


29 g AGA w/65X2PC

5.5g AGA fuge (10W PC) microlgae and pods

35 lbs live sand

35 lbs. live rock

1 yellow watchman goby

2 false percula clowns

1 brittle star

1 cherub angelfish

candy cane coral

scolymia coral

shrooms, ricordia, yellow polyps

blue legged hermits, pep shrimp, emerald crab and lots of snails

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