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Coral Vue Hydros

Newbie with problems regarding my skimmer


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Hi guys, I've recently set up my orca tl 550 and i'm using the boyu - 310 skimmer. (upgraded from the 308)


Now i'm concerned about the skimate thats not being collected. All i seem to get is cloudy watery skim in the cup whereas i was expecting a scummy brown residue instead?


I'm running the water level at the bottom of the cone and the central chamber is getting loads of bubbles. Am i doing something wrong?


My tank is 2 months old with no fish yet but about 15k of live rock and some critters and tonight the nitrate level was 10? This is why i'm concerned because surely if there is nitrate in the tank then i should be gettng serious froth/foam/scum in the cup instead of cloudy water?


If you could show me some pics of what i should be getting i'd appreciate it and maybe also some pics of your skimmer running?


Thanks folks



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It could very well be your bio-load isn't enough to create the "nasty" stuff yet! I can't help with pics because I'm not familiar with your brand of skimmer. I use the Sapphire skimmer. It doesn't always produce brown skimmate, sometimes it does. Some skimmers are also senitive to water levels, some more so than others. Perhaps someone else who has experience with your skimmer will chime in! ;)

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