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Coral Vue Hydros

Apitasia grow quickly don't they...


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Ho hum. 3 weeks in and I've already got a couple of brand new apatasia growing on my powerhead. Joy. Don't really fancy dumping anything caustic onto a plastic powerhead either...


Thankfully they're quite near the top of the unit - I presume the things (and they are only babies!) will die after a day or so out of the water?


On the positive side, I've seen quite a few pods on the glass and scuttling around on the sand now. And my blue hermits finally got around to eating the single patch of hair algae today, yay. ;)

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kill them while you can. Mix some kalk up in a cup. HIGH strength and use a needle and syringe to inject the juice into them. They will melt away in seconds. You can get a needle and syringe from your doc or vet. My vet gave me a couple once I explained what I wanted it for.

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No need for kalc if they are on the power head. Just pull it and get creative.


Dunk them in fresh water. Your pool. The freezer. Let them dry out. Wipe them off with a paper towel. Feed em to your dog. Ignite them with flaming hairspray. Throw them at your sister. Culture them in a seperate tank and sell them to an idiot LFS. Use them to find a cure to cancer.



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Originally posted by Dingo

No need for kalc if they are on the power head.  Just pull it and get creative.


i wouldn't manually just PULL it..they reproduce by foot laceration, meaning that a little bit of the base left on the powerhead will just turn into another one... any bits floating around after you yank it off will end up growing up once it attaches to something in the tank...


that's why we have such an elaborate method of killing the lill bastages... injecting them using a syringe with a caustic substance will kill it..."kalkwasser nuking" is effective...

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Call the local sushi house and see if you can sell them as a delicacy ;)


Seems like alot of people have trouble getting the syringes for their tanks. Perhaps another option is asking a diabetic for one.

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