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testing kit parameters...


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why might i get such different results when using different testing manufactures? heres my deal: using a

one and a half year old seachem kit testing calcium levels, i get 275ppm. using a newly purchased API kit gives me a 380ppm reading. i have tested several times each and am dilligent on counting drops per vial etc... i used the reference liquid to check the results with the seachem and it checks out. are the chemicals to old? are API kits bad (american pharmaceuticals inc)

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why might i get such different results when using different testing manufactures? heres my deal: using a

one and a half year old seachem kit testing calcium levels, i get 275ppm. using a newly purchased API kit gives me a 380ppm reading. i have tested several times each and am dilligent on counting drops per vial etc... i used the reference liquid to check the results with the seachem and it checks out. are the chemicals to old? are API kits bad (american pharmaceuticals inc)



Make sure that the drops are consistant in size. To do this you need to hold the bottle vertical. The other test kit my be a little old. Make sure to shake the bottles well. API is what I use and it seems to give me good results. (It's aquarium phamaceuticals inc.)

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The reason is half life. Chemicals loose there "traits" as they age. So your test kit won't have the accuracy it once did.


API are one of the best affordable daily test kits on the market. Salifert would be the top. They have specialized test kits the other companies simply do not make. Like copper, oxygen, silicate, Boron.

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Make sure that the drops are consistant in size. To do this you need to hold the bottle vertical. The other test kit my be a little old. Make sure to shake the bottles well. API is what I use and it seems to give me good results. (It's aquarium phamaceuticals inc.)



yea, thanks for the spell check. i didnt even realize my error. actually now that i check my records, the seachem kit is over 2 years old. i need to researce this half life effect of the chemicals.

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I use sailfert for my alk and CA, and I use API for all the other params. I choose to be more accurate in the ca and alk range so I can tell how much my tank is using and if I need to dose

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