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AquaC Remora problems


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I got an aquaC remora a couple months ago and in 5 weeks at the lowest setting it has not even collected a quarter cup. I was running a MJ1200 and I tried upgrading to a 400gph pump. No result either. The bubbles aren't even going into the bottom of the tube for the collection cup. That is right where the water sits. It also seems like it could be even making more foam.

If anyone has any tips or tricks please let me know. I am open to any suggestions.



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you are running salt water right???


Your water level should be an inch -2'' below the output (square exit)


Make sure your nozzle is not clogged. You might have a defective one. I would call AquaC in the morning.

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I'd run it in vinegar solution....use brush to clean it, including removing the intake screw and running a brush down in it....it does have the white intake screw in place, correct?


the MJ1200 is what you should be using....


dumb question, bit this isnt some brand new tank with no bioload, is it?

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it sounds to me like you have a blockage somewhere in the line the pump is connected to. keep the MJ1200 on there it works just fine. I only get about a quarter cup of skimmate a week but it is almost black and smells awful. I have 3 fish and numerous corals. I would run a brush through the intake line with the intake screw removed, also if you can get to it check the nozzle to see if maybe there is a piece of plastic stuck in there from the production process. The rubber O ring broke on mine and it always sits in the lowest position.

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