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Cultivated Reef

Marineland Emperor 280 to Biological filtration


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Hey guys, one quick discussion topic for you all.

Currently my tanks filtration makes up the Emperor filter and a skimmer. For now I'm going to ditch the skimmer until I set up a refugium or sump, plus is isn't coming up with a lot of skimmate because of weekly water changes and no large bioload coming from the corals. The Emporer penguin is by far the best filter out there, but I want to extend the priorities of it and get rid of the media and filter packs that are recommended by Marineland.


So here is my plan:


Edit: The Filter Media Pack is the Chaeto, milk crate and Chemi-pure elite fyi






The chaeto should survive under my 36' Tek 4x39w fixture easily, but would like to get feedback from all of yall before I go ahead with my changes.



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