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Coral Vue Hydros

Overkill for a 10 gallon?

Militant Jurist

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Militant Jurist

Tis what I was afraid of. I'm planning on keeping LPS and maybe eventually a few SPS in this 10 gallon that is still on the drawing board.

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Tis what I was afraid of. I'm planning on keeping LPS and maybe eventually a few SPS in this 10 gallon that is still on the drawing board.


If you were only going to do SPS, it'd be fine. I am of the "you can't have too much flow" club for SPS tanks.

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Militant Jurist

Scratch that knock off. I've found an actual Koralia that does 260 gph, plus my powerhead which I think does 175 gph, and then my skilter which does 110 gph. The skilter will be run in an in-tank sump area, with the powerhead discharging the sump back into the display. The koralia would be for a counter-current and additional flow. How does that sound for LPS / SPS?


That would give me 545 gph total.

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Militant Jurist

If I remember correct (and my friend Jack is helping me tonight) we do have 220v in the U.S., but it's usually for appliances. I had to run a new line through my basement for my drier when I bought the house, because the old lady who lived here before had her drier directly connected to the service. I figured where there is a will, there is a way. But alas, it sounds like a pile of crapola, so I'll wait until I can pick up the Koralia nano. I'm just hoping it is sufficient flow for my purposes.

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I have about a 50x turnover rate in a 29G bowfront and I have been keeping lps for a long time in that tank I tried SPS and all of them have not done too well...but if I keep putting more flow in my lps (frogspawns, torch...ie won't do to well.) I have tried an acro frag, and a type of monti. both not the hardest stuff, just giving some input for ya...if you want some sps in a lower turnover tank try the monti's its the better of the 2 for me :) and then you should have no problems with the lps if you keep everything else in check, lighting, filtration, wc's....so on and so forth

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