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Copper affecting snails and hermits?


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Hey, I was going to dose my tank today with Kent Marine Essential Elements but one of the ingredients is Copper EDTA? Will this negatively affect my population of snails and hermit crabs?



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That's a really good question. A lot of people put that stuff in their tanks w/out any adverse reactions. I think it has to do with the form of copper used?

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That's a really good question. A lot of people put that stuff in their tanks w/out any adverse reactions. I think it has to do with the form of copper used?

Very tiny amount of copper ( almost undidectable) can be find in natural seawater, as a trace element.

The addition you mentioned can be used safely in any kind of saltwater environment.

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I have used that stuff for years with no problem to snails/coral/inverts. I used to put three cap fulls of the stuff in my 12 gallon frag tank every week and no problems what so ever.

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copper EDTA is chelated copper, different from ionic copper. its basically the "slow release" from of it. small amounts of chelated copper is no problem, small amounts of ionic copper you may have a problem.

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