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Coral Vue Hydros

High Calcium


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Hi all,


I have a calcium reading of 600 !!!!!!!! I used API Calcium test kit and the reading was off the chart. I added 20 points for each additional drop that went over the highest reading on the paper because it seemed to go up 20 points for each drop. :o


I do not dose. I know this is very high. How can I bring it down?

My ALK is in the normal range (2.8). I'm using water from the tap but it well water not city. I also put water conditioner in it.

Ive been using Sachem's Reef Salt from day one.


Ive read another post on high calcium but It didn't make sense to me.

Everything is doing great with the exception of my leather but that was a recent thing and another post.

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test it again


One time I was using the same test kit and got a off chart reading. I tested it again and got something normal. I don't even know what i did wrong.

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it could be the well water already have calcium in it and adding salt mix to it bumped it up.


what salt you using? try mixing a batch of saltwater using distilled water and test results.

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Try reading this:



From that article, it looks like water changes are your best bet.


Were you experiencing low calcium levels before dosing (i.e. a need for dosing instead of water changes)?


No, I never dosed. This is what my reading was right after a water change. I do changes once a week.


it could be the well water already have calcium in it and adding salt mix to it bumped it up.


what salt you using? try mixing a batch of saltwater using distilled water and test results.



I was wondering that myself. Next water change Ill use RO water and see what it is. Im using seachems reef salt.

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