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Coral Vue Hydros

moving rock


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Its the weirdest thing, i was just going threw some of the threads on this site when i happened to see out of the corner of my eye, a rock move. So i glared at the tank for another 2 mins. and it the rock litteraly hopped by about 1/8th to 1/4 of inch. Im not talking about a tiny little rock. Im talking about a rock that is a not much bigger than my hand. I took all my live rock out and did a freshwater dip and saw nothing except a few little pods. the only things that i have stocked the tank with is a few tiny hermit crabs and snails. they were all in the sand or on the glass any ideas about what it is and what to do about geting rid of it would be great. I dont care to have my tank to be acting like it has mexican jumping beans in it. Sorry about no pics but its just not possible for me to get a pic of what i cant see.

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Hmmm, mantis shrimp perhaps? If it is a mantis, they can handle being out of the water for a little while and a freshwater dip needs to last longer than a few seconds to force them out.


Just a guess of course....

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well i just did another dip that lasted for about 5 mins, and nothing showed their ugly face. well i did find what looked like a baby sea apple so i plucked that off. maybe i'v lost my mind and im seeing thing.

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no wonder why i couldnt find a mantis shrimp, cause there isnt one in there. i partl figured out what it is, its a clam or somthing like that. Its butt ugly. looks like a rock. can anyone tell me what it is that im have in my 2.5gal nano. i plan on moving it to my 30 if this thing is worth keeping.

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thanks, but just decided that it is just one more thing that could die on me. It would be hard to tell if it was still alive or not since it doesn't do much, and a death that large in any of my tanks would to a load of damage to the chem. so it has met my coffee grounds

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