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PH stability


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I am having PH stability issues. I am always running low 7.8 I want 8.2-8.3. Currently I use sea water I am going to change to mixing it myself. Will this help my Ph or should I keep buffering? I have explored every other option and I don't use a skimmer (12 gallon tank) for surface agitation.

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What is the pH of the seawater before you add it to the tank?


How old is the tank?


I would switch from NSW to mixed water only if I had real problems.


Are you sure you don't just need some more fresh air in your tank room?

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What is the pH of the seawater before you add it to the tank?


How old is the tank?


I would switch from NSW to mixed water only if I had real problems.


Are you sure you don't just need some more fresh air in your tank room?


I have never checked the sea water cause I figured it was optimal. I just check my tank. I have been running 6 months. I have looked into the fresh air concept but that applies to people that have skimmers. how do I add fresh air to the tank? I have adjusted the output so that there is surface agitation. My Dkh is 19 could that be a contributing factor?

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Your alk is way high and it is likely a contributing factor. The only way to get your alk down is to do waterchanges but that will only help if the water you change with has a more appropriate alk.


You should check the pH and other chemical parameters of the SW you use in your tank before you add it to the tank. You should know the calc, alk and pH at a minimum. It would also be advisable to know the NO3 and PO4 concentrations as well.


Whether you have a skimmer or not, if the air in your tank room (or house in general) is enriched in CO2 your pH will be depressed. Surface agitation will only help if the air your tank exchanges gases with isn't enriched in CO2.


When you make assumptions about your change water or your topoff water you open yourself up to potential problems. As such, your source waters should be the first thing you check when things go wrong.


EDIT: I also use NSW but it is only run through a sand filter. If it sits in my bucket for more than a couple days, the pH falls to 7.5 or less. This can be reversed if I drop in a powerhead and an air diffuser and let them run for several hours, meaning that the low pH in my water is likely due to continuing bacterial activity. I don't think this is the case for you, however.

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