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Cultivated Reef

Salinity probs


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so I'm having problems keeping my salinity at 1.026. I always mix to 1.026 for weekly WC but by day 4 or 5 salinity is up to 1.029. I do top offs of about a gallon a day using RO/DI water so technically shouldn't my salinity remain constant? Should I be looking at a bigger water change (I do a 15% now) with a lower salinity, say 1.024 and see if it levels off?




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My first question would be what are you using to check your salinity?


Hydrometer = Inconsistent (must be cleaned after each use and make sure ALL the bubbles are shaken off) even then it might not be exact.


Refractomometer = Something is up - how are you mixing your salt? and are you doing it the same way each time? Is it possible you aren't getting the salt mixed well and you are putting in more then you need?


Or might it could be a combination of the two. Hydrometer and not mixing well enough.






Oh.. and while your salinity is high... be careful not to bring it down to fast. Small water changes and aim for about 1/2 point per day.

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Red Sea Pro Salt, mix in bucket over night with heater and PH. When I pour the bucket I always leave some water in the bottom to ensure I'm not adding any precipitate, clumps, ect.



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