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I have done a 10 gallon water change over the past week. It seems to help for a day then comes back..... I don't know what this stuff is.....


It is bugging the crap out of me...


I also have phosphate sponge in it.


Please help.


Should I get a skimmer like the taam rio to see if that helps.


My water is just so green... I dont knw if its algae or what.....

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yes its overstocked.... Would that be the problem???


I think I just got lazy with water changes....


It was clear for quit a while...




What is that and how do I eliminate it??

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i just checked it out...also you def need more rock in there..and take out that tacky backgruond and spray the backside black. better look. oh yeah and what stevie t said..use ro water...

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Dont listen to the tang police, yes your overstocked but you can get rid of the other fish, its your tank not anyone elses, My buddy Glennr1978 has a tang as I do in 40g breeders and his tank is one of the nicest on NR..

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Dont listen to the tang police, yes your overstocked but you can get rid of the other fish, its your tank not anyone elses, My buddy Glennr1978 has a tang as I do in 40g breeders and his tank is one of the nicest on NR..



awww..how sweet.



no tang in a 25g though.

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The tank is too small and tangs are messy eaters. That's why you are having algae problems. Also you have two damsels and a maroon, all of these are big messy eaters as well.

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