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Innovative Marine Aquariums

my 20 gal


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This is my 20 high FOWLR tank started 6/19/03


i have plans to buy an aqualight 2x56 watt hood and then add some coral to make it a reef and feed back would be great thx in advance

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I'm kind of new at this too, but from what I've read you should have 20-30 lbs LR, swap out the crushed coral for some sugar-fine live sand/aragonite, and the lighting you are planning on purchasing is great.


I have a similar setup, and I just bought a 96 watt Aqualight hood which came with 2 x 10,000K and 2 x Actinic 03 bulbs for $116 (not bad :) ) It also has built-in fans to keep the light from heating up the water.


Oh, also a good tip is to support your base rock on 2-3" sections of PVC pipe, so your sand-stirrers can get under it without causing a landslide.

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Hmm.. That looks like a 20 standard (not high), could just be the photograph/perspective.


As far as making it into a reef... It looks like you have a handle on the lighting, and I agree with Jargon on adding a bit more live rock (no reason not to.. and the benifits are many).


I wouldn't nesc. get rid of the crush coral sand bed. You could just add like 5 lbs of fine sand into it and have a nice mix for your reef... Then again, I like a little "bulkier" SB then most.


You'll probably want a few more snails for a clean up crew as well.


You're off to a good start, good luck with your tank (and keep us posted as you add more!).



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thanx for the advice every one


i plan on adding at least 10 more lbs of rock and at least 5 to 10 of sand

I had the crushed coral laying around (like 50 lbs of the stuff) from my old 55 SW swim tank so i figurred i'd use it its a good natural buffer so i'll keep it as the bottom layer in my nanos i plan on starting the other 20 once i get my aqualight for the top one

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