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Reef Safe Stars?


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I have a ten gallon nano and i recently found out that i cant have any Chocolate Chip Stars in there because they are not reef safe, are there any that i can have, or should i just forget about the stars?

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just forget about stars, they do better in larger systems.....unless you dont mind small brittle stars. They are great for your tank although you may never see them, except when they're legs are swaying in the current.

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I just added reef safe mini brittle stars from Indo-Pacific Sea Farms in Hawaii. www.ipsf.com. They are very small and initially disappeared into the sand... but I actually saw one this morning crawling on some deep maroon corralline on one of my live rocks. He was really lively and very appeared really busy.


IPSF claims that they add biodiversity to a reef tank and keep the sand stirred up.

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mini stars and micro stars.


ipsf sells the mini brittle stars. Inland aquatics has the micro stars. I have them both in my tank and you never really see em but every once in a while a micro star climbs up the walls of the fuge, presumably to let me know they are there.

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I have a red sea star, and it is AWESOME! It is always climbing around and there is hardly a day where I can't find him. He is on the glass a lot, as well as all over the LR. I highly recommend them. I think you can catch some glimpses of him on my webpage tank shots. I am thinking about getting another one. The bright orange color makes for a good contrast to your corals as well.

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Don't the red sea stars get up to 4-5" across? If you have one in a 10g, that means it could take up almost 50% of the glass! That seems a little large to me, do they trample across coral too?

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I bought the smallest one at the LFS and it hasn't grown much at all in 2 months. If it really gets that big I will just give him back. Until then, I am assuming at least a year or two, I will enjoy him in my 12 gallon. He doesn't trample any of my corals at all. He is generally on the glass, LR, or sand. I have yet to see him on top of any polyps or anything like that.

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Fromia stars are great for reef systems but I dont think a nano can sustain them. I have one in my 55 and he's been doing great for 5 months now. They also dont get very big so that makes them a good choice for smaller tanks. I think maybe a 30g w/ a substantial amount of LR would be the smallest you can go.

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I have a Fromia milleporella. DeskJockey, what do you mean a nano not being able to sustain them? What exactly do they eat? Mine has been in for about two months and seems happy. Is there any way to direct feed or anything like that?

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I have the Fromia milleporella too.


From what I have learned they eat algae film that grows on the LR. It doesnt take long to grow but if there isnt enough LR than it cant keep up the fromia's needs. As you've noticed Im sure, they tend to get around the tank pretty quickly. Thats the same problem with linkias. They need even more rock (obviously they're bigger) and they tend to waist away after 6 months. Even I havent had mine that long so I cant say for sure. Only time will tell I guess.


Just keep an eye on it, it might do perfectly fine. It would be great to be able to keep them in nanos. Keep us posted yeah?


BTW just make sure your SG levels dont swing around too much.

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My SG and all other params are very stable. I just hope he doesn't run out of food. I have 22lbs of LR in a 12 gallon so I hope that is a pretty decent amount of surface area for the little guy to find food. I will keep you guys posted.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought a "General Star" starfish from a LFS for like 7 bucks or something. It's only about 1.5in and seems to "like it" in my little 2.5g. I've got maybe 4pds of LR in the 2.5g. After my eclipse 6 cycles, he's goin in there.

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