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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Reinforcing shelves for 20G Long .... help please.


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this is what I'm planning on setting up .... this is a view from the front(two separate shelves next to each other):




The wood that my shelves are made of are kind of thin.  It's a little greater than 1/2 inch thick.  One problem is that the back of the shelves is not supported at all right now.  There is just a piece of flimsy cardboard type wood.  What kind of reinforcement do you guys think I would need for a 20G Long tank in the above setup.  The left side and center would have support with my current shelves, but I know this will not be enough.  I will need to do the back somehow.

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you may want to put a  or two that runs all the way to th bottom on the right side to support that side of the tank,like a divider that runs top to bottom also increasing the top would also help ,i have a similar setup for nano I our Tv cabinet in our bedroom hold the tank at the top the game machines below that and the TV is offset to the right I have a divider that tansfer the load of tha tank to the bottom ,no flex Baby I put over three hundred pounds where the tank way gonna go and not even a creak and the cabinet is made out of 1X2 with a thin 1/8 plywood to cover the frame

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