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Jav's 20L: SPS, LED, Overstocked


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Thanks! Yes they are fun. Your tank is pretty sweet too!


I cropped and sharpened the pictures I had in the last post.

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I think your tank is ugly.


















Jk, lookin good, nice growth on the red planet

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Send me those Darth Mauls, kthnx.


No problem. As of right now it looks like I get a new head every two weeks. Maybe in a month or two I can pull off a nice frag.


I think your tank is ugly.


















Jk, lookin good, nice growth on the red planet


Thanks! Yea growth is good, but green color is fading.


Very nice!




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I just splurged and ordered an Vortech MP20. I had a gift card for thatfishplace and there is a 10% off sale going on. I'll be getting it monday.


I also have to start fragging my ORA Green Birdsnest soon. The branches are about 2" away from the Rose Milli. Any suggestions? Do I frag in the tank or out?


Oh and the frags will be free if anyone wants them, not sure how I'm gonna make up the shipping though.

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wow... i started my reef the same time and my growth is nothing like that. i barely get growth :(. i had my yellow polyps jump off a bit, for a week or two, along with my xenia and a monti cap, but havent noticed anything new in over a month. frags are still the same after 6 months.


i have a similar setup, 20 long w/ 175k 15k xm bulb. just added a bigger skimmer, upgraded from a remora pro. nitrates are around 10 tho. i cant combat these god dam things.

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Do you have a tank thread?


1. What live stock do you have outside of corals? What do you feed and how regularly?


I feed Rod's food nearly everyday.


2. Your skimmer is OVERKILL. A remora pro is rated for 100+ Gal systems already, and upgrading seems unnecessary. You may be skimming too much, corals also take food from the water column.


3. You should have 0 nitrates (especially with that tank of a skimmer). Where do you get your water from? How often do you do water changes? Do regular weekly waterchanges.


4. The most important thing in my opinion is maintaining Alk/Cal/Mg levels. Do you test and dose for these elements?


Hope that helps.


I would post this in your thread if I could find it.

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dam bro!!! you got a nice @$$ tank!!!! i really like all the different varieties of corals you got in there


the darth maul is the best!!

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dam bro!!! you got a nice @$$ tank!!!! i really like all the different varieties of corals you got in there


the darth maul is the best!!


Thanks! Mauls are awesome. Growth has been good. Will be fragging out in a couple of months. Ask if you are interested.


Got my Vortech today. Flow is crazy, but I can't tell the difference in terms of random flow. Maybe my tank was fine before.

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A few pictures of my clowns trying to host the flowerpot.





I like the mixed-pair. I once had a similar combo as well.

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Yea I should definitely post up some new pictures of the clowns, I guess I'm not as interested in them as I was in the past. Corals > Fish

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You should take some before and after the vortech photos, I need to do something similar in may tank. There have been some dramatic changes in many of my corals. For instance my pink birdsnest (which was a dark brown) started to grow like a weed and is actually turning pink. The rest of my SPS has been loving it as well as I'm getting great polyp extension.

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How about an FTS? Are you liking the phoenix now a little bit later? Personally, I love my phoenix bulb.

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You should take some before and after the vortech photos, I need to do something similar in may tank. There have been some dramatic changes in many of my corals. For instance my pink birdsnest (which was a dark brown) started to grow like a weed and is actually turning pink. The rest of my SPS has been loving it as well as I'm getting great polyp extension.


My plans exactly. The reason I bought the vortech was because of this thread.


How about an FTS? Are you liking the phoenix now a little bit later? Personally, I love my phoenix bulb.


There is a recent FTS on the first post. I keep that updated. The phoenix bulb is mad sweetness. The colors good and the growth seems phenomenal. I might try the Radium 20K once things have grown out though.

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Ordered a lot of stuff over the past two days...on a coral binge. Not enough room! Pictures next week.


One question. Does anyone know how to get coralline to grow on the rocks? In my tank it grows everywhere BUT the rocks, and I have these ugly white pieces of dry rock that I hoped would get covered in a matter of months.

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dam bro you got a really nice tank!!!! i love your really red zoas and all those rics!!!! great job

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Thanks! Rics/Yumas will be fragged some more and given out soon. Feel free to ask if you want one.


I've got orange, blue, and green ones.

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More pictures...


Finally a shot of the mandarin! This thing is afraid of the camera.



Darth Maul (look at previous picture to compare growth)



Blue Tort (I know it looks green right now)



Mohawk (thanks gulfsurfer101 !)



Rose Millipora (one of my first SPS)



Greg Hiller Aqua Delight (this thing is finally starting to color up...growth is still slow though)



ORA Pearlberry



Purple Death (started as 3 heads)



Torch Coral (one of the first)



Tyree Pink Lemonade (starting to color up as well)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Pink Lemonade (Showing its true colors)




Darth Maul (Growing and growing)




Pics were taken with my new Canon XS--my first SLR. I was waiting on a deal for the XSI, but Sears recently ran a promotion for the XS kit plus the canon EF 75-300 tele for under $500.


Always a learning process.

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