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O ring on Remora nano skimmer


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Hi guys, I just got my Skimmer and I dont know if I am just "special" or if it really is hard to get the o ring back into the skimmer around the collection cup. Does anyone have any tips?

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I have the remora aqua c (I don't know if it's different on yours) and the o-ring rides on the collection cup outside the skimmer - It doesn't actually go down into the skimmer.


All it does is hold the cup at the height you want it. Once they break - and they will break a lot of people just use rubber bands to do the same thing.

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Mne broke a year ago. I have been skimming on the lowest setting ever since, and getting great results. I dont mind if the skimmate is a little wet as long as its really dark and I get a lot of it. Removing salt water is actually a good thing in my system because I dose so much two part that it raises my salinity so this helps offset it.


I hear you can get a replacement at wal mart though.

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I always used mine at the lowest level. I did find that it cut a little noise out, you can find a replacement at a hardware store, Fastenal, grainger etc.


To keep it from drying out put a little silicone around it every now and then.

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  • 5 weeks later...
The folks at Aqua C are great ... just shoot them an email and they will send ya a replacement :)


+1. I had some questions about mine and they returned my call within two hours. The guy spent ten minutes on the phone with me and was very helpful.

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