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Nitrate Spike


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I checked my water parameters yesterday and for the first time in many months notices a spike in my nitrates. The only thing I can think of is that I recently added a peppermint shrimp and did some rearranging of my live rock. I've had my tank for over a year and had perfect water parameters until this recent spike of nitrates. Any idea why this may have happened? :huh:

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Hmm...that could be. It would make sense too because it may have caused a small amount of critters on my live rock to die off. I'm going to continue to check my water parameters and see if it levels off. Thanks for your input. :)

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I checked my water parameters yesterday and for the first time in many months notices a spike in my nitrates. ...


How much is a spike? Where does it normally run? What else is in the tank?


Inquiring minds want to know!


Pictures? A picture of our tank would certainly help. ;) Closeups of any particularly good looking corals or other inhabitants are always appreciated. :D


And :welcome: to N-R.



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The Propagator

I would say when you moved the rock around some gas pockets and or detrius got swished around and released nasties causing your little spike. It happens. Just do a couple small water changes and it should leave as quickly as it showed up. :)


Welcome to NR ! :D

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The nitrate spike was at 10 when it is usually at 0 and has been 0 for months. As far as what is in my tank, I have 8 lbs of live rock, live sand, 3 astrea snails, 2 blue leg hermits, and a pair of clownfish. I only have artificial corals right now, but am planning on moving into the real ones soon as my water parameters are right. :happy:


How much is a spike? Where does it normally run? What else is in the tank?


Inquiring minds want to know!


Pictures? A picture of our tank would certainly help. ;) Closeups of any particularly good looking corals or other inhabitants are always appreciated. :D


And :welcome: to N-R.





Thanks for the info. I am pretty sure that the source is the fact that I moved my live rock around. I plan on doing a water change soon. :)


I would say when you moved the rock around some gas pockets and or detrius got swished around and released nasties causing your little spike. It happens. Just do a couple small water changes and it should leave as quickly as it showed up. :)


Welcome to NR ! :D

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The Propagator

Yup. It's my guess thats where it came from considering its that low of a spike.

It could be your test kit as well though... How old is it and what make ?

Look on the lot number to find out how old it is. Its usually the last two digits. IE 07 meaning 2007, 08 meaning 2008 etc etc etc... If it's older then 2007 ditch it and buy on that is at least 2007.

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