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Gulfsurfer101's 20Long


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I got this tank from a fellow reefer used as a sump and I didn't have no special plans with it till recently. I scraped the gunk and coraline off the glass and it cleaned up nicely. I wanted to do an all LPS tank but now looks like I'm going in a different direction. I had all the rock and sand curing in a spare 30g I had over at my GF's place we no longer live in so I decided to get things dropped in here and bring some life in this tank. All rock sand and the majority of the water is about nine months old so the tank is pretty mature. Looks like I will be doing a carpet nem species tank and marroon clownfish and whatever other frags I can safely fit in here.


Specs are:


oddessy 156w T5 fixture

red sea prism skimmer modded out to overskim into toms deco 3g

AP12 stock return pump and aquaclear 30 PH for surface agitation and flow.






Carpet nem


Can't seem to get the true greeen and purple base colors


His buddy that seems to be showing more and more interest lately



I will refrain from addin any other branching LPS till this clown host the nem. I've been watchin him dart in and out for a few hours today so it should be any day now that he will officially call it home.


This is the only section that I'm putting frags in clear across the other side of the tank incase that thing decides to get mobile.





ANd the light is duel 12k daylights and duel true blue actinics for now till I get some 65k and some pink thrown in there along with the stock moonlighting.


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I kinda changed my plans when I saw that nem. I told my old lady that I had been wanting one since I started SW tanks and barely just built up the confidence of ownership. This tank was going to be a local biotope and that idea got really boring very fast, then I thought LPS but the money involved would lead me to a seperation for shure and I figured 27 bucks on the nem and another 20 on the fish and I'm set for a while. I might still have room in there for a sweet brain or frogspawn after I'm shure that is where it is going to stay put. You can probably see my house lit up from across the park since this tank is sitting in my window for natural lighting. Look forward to seeing you this weekend as well since I have to clear out a little space in my tank for B-day additions I should be getting next week.

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Can see the Baseball backstop if I go outside. I'm on Dandridge. Got a couple houses blocking my park view.


Heard ya met Texass2323. Cool dude, I work with him, know em for years.

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He Pm'd me about his 40br. I wanted to start one but it seems that everybody on here has one so I will wait it out till I can walk into the LFS one day and just get the 75g reefready tank along with all the stuff to get it running. I might be a few years off and will need to get another raise or two before I attempt this though or my old lady will leave me 4 shure. She has made that perfectly clear so a 20 long and AP12 or 24 will have to do for now. Luckily for me it was easy to convince her to let me start this tank since I already had the stuff laying around out there in the garage. They are pretty sweet little tanks though and very shallow so I'm not to worried about that carpet not getting enough light escpicailly with natural lighting.

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Yes it is, I just snapped it in half and place them both on plugs. It's kinda my little expermint to see the different growth and coloration patterns between MH and T5's. I will be shopping for better bulbs to replace the actinics this weekend most likely. The nem is a monster and I came home to find the clown sitting right on top of it but when I turned the lights on he has just been swimming the tank. I have a timer but the fixture has only one plug so I think I will light this one manually to get all four bulb from 6 to 10 then ctinics till around 12 and moonlights 24-7. That is my only complaint I have about the odessy T5 fixture, other than that it is a great light with an awsome split contoured high polished relfector that is better than most other lights offered at this price range.

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I had it sitting around my garage till I decided that I had more than enough Lr and LS to do this project along with the perfect light to go over it. I just took a razor to the glass and cleaned off the silicone and dead coraline and it doeas look just as good as new. The bad new is that I don't know if how much coral,(money), I want to put in this thing with such a huge nem in there but the good new is that the fish looks like it did decide to host the nem since i came home once again to find the nem folding over the fish in love together. The same thing keeps happening when I turn the lights on though and the fish is a free wonderer untill the moonlights kick on. To bad I'm in bed by the time he decides to go back in. I have to make time this weekend ot check it out first hand.

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Update is the clown did decide to host the nem and has stuck pretty close to it daily. I saw it go to investaigate a snail that was traveling too close and thought it was going to nip but nothing yet. I'll give it about two more weeks till I'm not able to spot feed this thing without getting attacked by that clown. I wanna add another maroon but a goldstripe to the tank along with Glenns bastard fish, (half purple and yellow psuedochromis), and free up my other tank for a more active and peaceful smaller fish. I also was thinking of adding a torch or frogspawn but that will have to wait at least another month before I am able to spend the cash they ask for them locally. This tank is already drawn more attention to my much more favorable 12g AP. I think bigger tanks always get the vote from people that have no idea of what is even inside of them other than Nemo. I will get pics of the clown shilling in that nem when my old lady comes back home with the camera sometime tommorrow after hanging with my folks at their ranch while I get to work the weekend.

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Looks like I picked up some kind of dying hydrorpha coral thing that is on it's last leg so I got it for 5 bucks to see if I can salvage anything out of it. I decided to put it in this tank since I have more room in here along with the small RBTA from my 12g AP. I will try to update pics on this tank as it is looking better daily after everything has gotten situated and settled.

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Here's the latest on this biuld. Everything is doing nicely and the clown has a new home.






RBTA in it's new home


Some frags and other shots




The guitar that is going back for frags, tell me what you think!



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cool clown and nem man!!!


dude, that little mushroom frag that I got from you has this one that's seriously turning a rainbow of colors. It's in a wierd spot in the tank so i can't get a pic, but it's pretty sweet.

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I got some of those too that were originally under a rock that wasn't getting enough light so I thought they were just white Looking. I'm thinking of blending what I got left again and starting a little 5.5 in the garage and just let them grow everywhere. I should have tons of these little rocks in no time.

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That clown look shappy for sure. Have to see how that Monti colors up.

I wanna do a multiple shelf thing down the inside of the mounds in my tank...*hint*

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I already have the aquascape set in my mind of how I want my AP24 to look since I removed the false wall. I will have two spots in there that sit high in the tank for sps and the monti's glued down about halfway on the rocks and rics and zoas on the bottom of the rock leaving me room for some nice colored brains and chalice's and whatever else I want on the sandbed. I will have to borrow some rock from this one and replace them with new one's.

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Yes it is, I just snapped it in half and place them both on plugs. It's kinda my little expermint to see the different growth and coloration patterns between MH and T5's. I will be shopping for better bulbs to replace the actinics this weekend most likely. The nem is a monster and I came home to find the clown sitting right on top of it but when I turned the lights on he has just been swimming the tank. I have a timer but the fixture has only one plug so I think I will light this one manually to get all four bulb from 6 to 10 then ctinics till around 12 and moonlights 24-7. That is my only complaint I have about the odessy T5 fixture, other than that it is a great light with an awsome split contoured high polished relfector that is better than most other lights offered at this price range.


Did you get the T5 from www.aquatraders.com? I wonder how the monti cap will do under the two different lights, I have never had T5 as my only source of lighting so I wonder if one will grow faster and the other would maybe be more colorful? I guess only time will tell but this is a great start. And again that nem is very nice, So is that guitar.

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Thanks for the comments and I'm quite curoiuse myself as so how the SPS frag will fare under T5's alone as I'm a firm beliver in MH after seeing what a difference it makes from weaker lighting. PE is looking good on that cap though just not turning the sweet bright purple I'm getting around the edges like the one in my 12g Ap. The nem doesn't look too good right now since it looks like it had a fight with a hermit while I was at work and looks tore open. It appears the hermit has stuck to the nem and it was trying to free itself from it's clasp and really bothered it. I'm not looking foward for it to recover and might just toss it out later on tonight if it doesn't appear any healthier. I'll get another one when they come in and try it again and banish all hermits from this tank. BTW I decided to keep that guitar and got an awsome addition for my AP12 ne ways, check out the thread for new additions.

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[]The guitar that is going back for frags, tell me what you think!



Nice axe!!!Dont get rid of that Dean,I would keep it if I were you!!!attachment=47464:IMG_0001...PG_coopy.jpg


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I kinda got attached to this guitar already so I'm keeping it. I got the peice I wanted anyways so I'm just going to have to live very budgeted for the next couple of days till I get's payed again, yeah!

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Thanks I got those rocks about a year ago from liveaquaria for a nanocube and they sent me the wrong stuff. The rocks were to big so I just got me a bigger tank (28g) to keep them in and decided that self selection was the best aproach for a nano tank. That nem unfortunatley might have just bit it after being toen into by that desparetly escaping hermit that has been banished to my rubble tank in the garage. I'm a little peeved but at least I got a sweet new peice in my 12g. I'm going to look for a replacement nem this weekend.

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