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Cultivated Reef

Seachem Renew (Phosphate free carbon substitute)


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I'm running a 20G cube without a skimmer, a LFS says this will help with phoshates, ammonia and nitrates.

I plan on adding a skimmer when I convert my other tanks, with a central sump, until then looking for a suitable alternative.


Has anyone used this before?

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I've used Purigen in place of carbon before. The real plus of Purigen is that it can be renewed easily by soaking it in a bleach solution, then rinsing it with a standard dechlorinator to remove the bleach chlorine.


I recharged the same pouch 5 or 6 times before it turned about permanent tan and I replaced it with a new pouch. My water was always nice and clear.

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I've used Purigen in place of carbon before. The real plus of Purigen is that it can be renewed easily by soaking it in a bleach solution, then rinsing it with a standard dechlorinator to remove the bleach chlorine.


I recharged the same pouch 5 or 6 times before it turned about permanent tan and I replaced it with a new pouch. My water was always nice and clear.


Sorry to hijack the thread but when you recharge purigen do you just leave it in the pouch or do you take it out and let it soak?

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Soak it in the bag. Just work the bleach into it with your fingers. Do the same on the dechlorination stage.


BTW DO NO USE any product that has "slime coat enhancers" (which I HATE anyhow). They will foul the purigen. I use Amquel+ simply b/c that's what I had.

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