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jokercykoe's NC12 DX


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Looking good! That macro algae looks like feather caulerpa to me. I've seen it take over tanks, but I'm not sure how to get rid of it. Good luck with that!

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Just got done acclimating the new fish. True perc.




And heres the YCG I added a while back perched on a shroom



Thats enough pictures for today.

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Thanks for the comment. Your tank looks good as well, off to a great start.


A few things i can add -- yes, it's just a common bristleworm, harmless. The algae isn't feather caulerpa but it definitely looks like it could spread just as fast. I would recommend picking off as much of it by hand as possible and trying an emerald crab. I had one and it took care of a small amount of macro i had left that my hand couldn't pick off. Other than that, keeping your nitrates at zero and only doing the minimum amount of light needed will help kill it off (along with a good amount of blue leg hermits).


I hope you get tired of those frag plugs at some point because your tank would look really really nice and natural if it weren't for those eyesores all over the place. Its a pain but i would razor blade a small chunk of the plug off below each of the zoa frags and super glue gel them to a rock somewhere. HTH.

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I hope you get tired of those frag plugs at some point because your tank would look really really nice and natural if it weren't for those eyesores all over the place. Its a pain but i would razor blade a small chunk of the plug off below each of the zoa frags and super glue gel them to a rock somewhere. HTH.



Haha, I definitely see what you're talking about. I'm just giving most of them a chance to grow out a little before putting them in a more permanant place. That and I'm afraid the macro is going to choke em to death. Thanks for the comment.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Damn that macroalgae basically took over my tank. Makes me want to give up or restart the tank with all new rock :angry: . I'll snap a picture later when I have time. F*#% Caulerpa Prolifera!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks. The only thing that touches the caulerpa prolifera is the green emerald crab. He eats it wayy too slow though. I pull out a huge amount every few weeks.

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I understand your pain, I got a frag with gha on it and it spread all over my tank. Seriously i picked for 2 weeks straight before I got it all

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your tank lookz good (other than that algae) and thanx for responding 2 my message about upgrading my dx. So what exactly doez the chaeto that you added in the fuge do?

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take out every affected rock....then scrub with a toothbrush. then rinse in RO water and return. that what ive been doin to get rid of that crap.....i HATE it!

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Damn, I've got that same exact type trying to take over my tank...been cleaning but it seems that it's spreading. Oct08225.jpg


i noticed you're also in OC, where did you get the frag with it from?

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take out every affected rock....then scrub with a toothbrush. then rinse in RO water and return. that what ive been doin to get rid of that crap.....i HATE it!

I've been thinking of taking each rock out like that, unfortunately some have corral on them.

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your tank lookz good (other than that algae) and thanx for responding 2 my message about upgrading my dx. So what exactly doez the chaeto that you added in the fuge do?


The chaeto takes up the extra nutrients in the water and outcompetes other nuisance algae. In my case, the Caulerpa does a better job, and actually starved the chaeto :huh: .




i noticed you're also in OC, where did you get the frag with it from?


The name escapes me at the moment (Brain Fart). Its the LFS near John Wayne Airport. I didn't realize how big of a pest it was. I thought it was just some macroalgae, but it grows at a rediculous rate. It also attaches to the rock and is a pain in the a** to take off.

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The chaeto takes up the extra nutrients in the water and outcompetes other nuisance algae. In my case, the Caulerpa does a better job, and actually starved the chaeto :huh: .






The name escapes me at the moment (Brain Fart). Its the LFS near John Wayne Airport. I didn't realize how big of a pest it was. I thought it was just some macroalgae, but it grows at a rediculous rate. It also attaches to the rock and is a pain in the a** to take off.

Yup...that's where mine came from too. Normally a great place to get stuff from. Coral Oasis is the name I believe. Right off Main and McArthur...I work right off Harbor and the 405 and my wife works down the street from them...we carpool so I know the place well. When I saw your pics it looked just like what I'm dealing with. I'm gonna try pulling out as much as I can and add two or three emerald crabs, please let me know if you try something that works and I'll keep you up to speed on my progress.





each strand grows a half inch a day...pita.

Yup. This stuff is nasty! I think I'll try pulling my coral off any infested rock and segregating and then trying to scrub the rock.

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  • 3 months later...
small alien
Yup...that's where mine came from too. Normally a great place to get stuff from. Coral Oasis is the name I believe. Right off Main and McArthur...I work right off Harbor and the 405 and my wife works down the street from them...we carpool so I know the place well. When I saw your pics it looked just like what I'm dealing with. I'm gonna try pulling out as much as I can and add two or three emerald crabs, please let me know if you try something that works and I'll keep you up to speed on my progress.






Yup. This stuff is nasty! I think I'll try pulling my coral off any infested rock and segregating and then trying to scrub the rock.


A small sea hare would solve your immediate problem in a hurry as long as you can keep it out of your intakes. And there is the risk of it inking. But they really lay waste to the hair algae. I mean they eat A LOT. You would probably need to rehome it once your algae was under control or otherwise start feeding it.


Over the long haul, you've probably got nutrient issues. I'd up your water changes from whatever you're doing now. I'd try 20-25% twice a week until it's under control. Also, might take a look at your lighting schedule. 10-12 hours should suffice. Good luck.

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