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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Alkalinity lowwww


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My alkalinity is at 7 dkh, and my calcium is almost at 500, which is a bit high. My PH is at 7.8.. which I think is directly related to my alkalinity. I added some API buffer max. The directions said to put powder directly into the tank. I put a tiny bit in to see how it dissolved (which it didn't too well), and then decided to mix it into my top-off water. My corals all closed up and my mushroom released his stomach. Some of my Zoas are still open so I know I didn't kill anythng. Is this normal?

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For Alkalinity I have had great success with Brightwell Aquatics Alkalin 8.3p


When used as directed you achieve a stable 8.3pH and then only your alk increases as you dose.

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For Alkalinity I have had great success with Brightwell Aquatics Alkalin 8.3p


When used as directed you achieve a stable 8.3pH and then only your alk increases as you dose.


Nice, that's what this API stuff is supposed to do. We'll see how it goes. Does that stuff make your corals close up for a few hours?

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The Propagator

Dude ! NEVER put ANY form of powder buffer directly in to your tank no matter if it says so on the directions or not. EVAHHH ! ;)Thats a HUGE no no in a reef.

That's a recipe for burned coral very easily and I am totally shocked a manufacturer of salt water aquarium additives would have that in their usage instructions. Especially API. They are normally very good.


If your alkalinity is low or drops rapidly after you bring it up ( say on a lightly stocked tank you bring the alkalinity level back up to around 10 dkh.. 24 hours later its down to 8dkh or something.. ) then you more then likely have low magnesium and you need to test for it 1st then dose to maintain it.

If your aquarium is cycling our you did to large of a water change and caused it to go into a mini cycle it is possible for you to experience the same low alkalinity issue.

The reason why is the huge water change will halt the denitrification process in mid loop. Acids will build up that would normally be taken care of and it will cause your alkalinity and possibly your PH to drop as well. In that instance all you can do is keep slowly adding alkalinity as you need it until the denitrification cycle builds back up and it levels off again.


( Yes Bdare I know how backwards that sounds. :P But its true. The exact science behind it I do not have specifics on, but it has happened to me, and several people I know. The reef gurus I spoke with about it said it was the mini cycle in the denitrification process building back up because of massive water changes.)

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Dude ! NEVER put ANY form of powder buffer directly in to your tank no matter if it says so on the directions or not. EVAHHH ! ;)Thats a HUGE no no in a reef.

That's a recipe for burned coral very easily and I am totally shocked a manufacturer of salt water aquarium additives would have that in their usage instructions. Especially API. They are normally very good.


If your alkalinity is low or drops rapidly after you bring it up ( say on a lightly stocked tank you bring the alkalinity level back up to around 10 dkh.. 24 hours later its down to 8dkh or something.. ) then you more then likely have low magnesium and you need to test for it 1st then dose to maintain it.

If your aquarium is cycling our you did to large of a water change and caused it to go into a mini cycle it is possible for you to experience the same low alkalinity issue.

The reason why is the huge water change will halt the denitrification process in mid loop. Acids will build up that would normally be taken care of and it will cause your alkalinity and possibly your PH to drop as well. In that instance all you can do is keep slowly adding alkalinity as you need it until the denitrification cycle builds back up and it levels off again.


( Yes Bdare I know how backwards that sounds. :P But its true. The exact science behind it I do not have specifics on, but it has happened to me, and several people I know. The reef gurus I spoke with about it said it was the mini cycle in the denitrification process building back up because of massive water changes.)



I was surprised, too. That's why I put a little in.. BAAD! I mixed the rest in Top-off water. So test for magnesium first, as this affects Alk? Ok will do! My cycle is over, I only did a 15% waterchange a few days before I tested the PH. Like I said it was at 7.8.

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The Propagator

Magnesium effects both calcium and alkalinity actually. It seems to effect alkalinity the hardest though when it's a little low.

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Magnesium effects both calcium and alkalinity actually. It seems to effect alkalinity the hardest though when it's a little low.


Shouldn't Magnesium be replenished through water changes?

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The Propagator

That depends completely on your salt and the consumption rate of your tanks inhabitants.

I highly suggest buying a Salifert, Elos, or Seachem reef status magnesium test kit.

Those are the best 3 test kits on the market in the affordable range ( roughly $25-$30 each depending on where you buy.)

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That depends completely on your salt and the consumption rate of your tanks inhabitants.

I highly suggest buying a Salifert, Elos, or Seachem reef status magnesium test kit.

Those are the best 3 test kits on the market in the affordable range ( roughly $25-$30 each depending on where you buy.)


Thanks Prop, I will get one of those.. damn they're expensive, but not as expensive as my investment..

BTW, If my PH is back up when I test today, does that mean my alk was just low, and the buffer helped?

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What kind of salt are you using? I was using oceanic and I am having a problem with low alk, I was told by prop that it has a reputation for that. So I am going to try out a batch of seachem and see how it works prop made the switch and he says his tanks are pretty happy with the change.



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It's from my LFS. I'm pretty sure they use Oceanic. Goin there tomorrow, and I'll get the skinny. I'm gonna get a Ro/DI unit in December (birthday from the gf.. heh heh!). so I'm gonna switch salts to reef crystals, or some other brand.. not sure I'll have to research. Anyhoo their tanks are amazing so maybe they're dosing. I'll find out tomato. Pickin up a a new test kit tomorrow. I tested my PH again and it's at 7.8... it used to be at 8.0 as of last week. Also gonna pick up a magnesium kit, too. Elos or seachem. $$$$$....

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