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Water Change Question


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Seems the consensus is for weekly 10%. Does increasing to say 20-25% weekly add any benefit or does it in some way reduce the desired effects?


20g H nano reef takes same time and effort to change out 5 gallons as 2. Thoughts?

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As long as you are careful to match the chemistry and temperature of the new water to the old, you can change as much water as you want at a time without consequences. I do a 75% water change every couple of months, and the corals slime up a bit from being out of the water, but they look happy again an hour later.


As long as the water you mix up is mixed properly and is the right temperature, bigger is better as far as water changes go, IMO. Just make sure to take whatever steps you can to reduce the stress of the change on the animals, and all will be well.

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As long as you are careful to match the chemistry and temperature of the new water to the old, you can change as much water as you want at a time without consequences. I do a 75% water change every couple of months, and the corals slime up a bit from being out of the water, but they look happy again an hour later.


As long as the water you mix up is mixed properly and is the right temperature, bigger is better as far as water changes go, IMO. Just make sure to take whatever steps you can to reduce the stress of the change on the animals, and all will be well.


Yup I use Nutriseawater natural seawater for my changes. One container (about 4.4 gallons) is about 20% weekly change for me. A little expensive but really am working hard to ensure water quality for my tank.



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The Propagator

I do 20% changes now and have noticed a big difference in my live stock. I had been doing 10% weekly.

Color is nicer growth is better.... etc etc...

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and the corals slime up a bit from being out of the water, but they look happy again an hour later.


All of my top corals are out of the water even doing a 10-20% change so this is pretty normal. I would say an hour on my end as well to come back to normal, it's not like some corals are not out of water in the wild daily in tide pools. (info to OP not SPS)

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