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Koralia 1 heat issues?


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I just put a koralia 1 in my BC14 and the heat shot up to 83 really quick I turned it off and it is back to 79 has anyone had this problem before or do I just have a faulty pump.

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I am going to try running it again tomorrow and see what happens but it did feel a little hot the pump must be bad or the MJ900 is bad

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If the pump feels hot under water then it is WAY hotter than the water. I say that by your words its the Koralia but i have never had that trouble. Maybe it is defective.

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Return it for a nano. It sounds like it is defective and it's too big for a bc14g. MJ 900 and nano should be plenty of flow for anything unless your building the great wall.

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I too vote that it's defective. I have a K-nano in my 10g tank and a K-2 in my 30g tank and neither one gives off any heat that I can feel. In fact, my ACjr. temp probe has sat against my K-2 before and the temp reading on it didn't budge higher than what the water in the display was at.

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It runs at 7 watts. It shouldn't heat much of anything.


I have 2 Koralia 1's in my 15 gallon tank, and have to use a heater to keep the bugger warm, I'd go with the others saying it's probably defective.

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