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Chiller Configuration


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I just received a Pacific Coast imports 1/13th Chiller. It doesn't say anything about not doing this in the instructions. But I was wondering if it would be ok to pull the water through the chiller with a pump rather than push it through. I was wondering this because the chiller came with 90 degree elbows for the return and input, I could put a pump on top of the chiller it would stick on with the suction cups, and face the output elbow and connect it directly to the input of the pump and then the output of the pump would go back into the tank. This overall would give the cleanest tubing run with the least amount of bends. Would this work? Or do the pumps not work so well pulling? Once the water was flowing it would be very minimal amount of pressure as gravity would partially take over. I was also thinking about using a MJ1200, the rating for the this chiller says anything over 80GPH would work for flow. The MJ1200 is rated for 295gph is there a table for headloss anywhere here? It would be about 2 feet.

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Some pumps do not fare well pulling, especially when you are first setting the system up you have to deal with the air in the tubing. It would be easier to push, and much simpler I would think.

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