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Coral Vue Hydros

Brown stuff comming out of mouth of hammer? Frogspawn Help!


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There is some brown stringy stuff coming from the mouth of a hammer coral. Both my frogspawn and hammer dont look so hot, very deflated. Not sure whats wrong...Params are all good. I just did a big water change like 50% to remove stuff i cant test for...still they not looking so good. Any ideas of what could be wrong?

Edited by ballerina
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yeah I'm pretty sure it was poop haha. So weird. It stopped doing it now. But the frogspawn still looks bad...here are pics of the frogspawn. I did during a water change accidently pour big splash of water from my siphon onto the frogspawn. I think that may have shocked it. Any ideas of if it is going to heal or what i should do? Water params look fine...been like this for 2 days now







Edited by ballerina
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Did you notice them melting away? Observe them closely. If you sees them melting, it might be the scary brown jelly disease. It spread real fast. But if just brown stuff coming out from the mouth it should be fine.


Is the flow directly at the hammer. If it is too direct, it might stress them out too. They like moderate to high flow but not too direct. :happy:

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I would double check all your parameters, sounds like something is off from your water change, some corals will get pissy after a change but they should recover within a couple hours, I would retest and possibly do another change. Has it been a while since you did a water change? Temp and everything is ok?

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Did you notice them melting away? Observe them closely. If you sees them melting, it might be the scary brown jelly disease. It spread real fast. But if just brown stuff coming out from the mouth it should be fine.


Is the flow directly at the hammer. If it is too direct, it might stress them out too. They like moderate to high flow but not too direct. :happy:


do torchs like direct flow? the hammer isnt really in direct flow


I would double check all your parameters, sounds like something is off from your water change, some corals will get pissy after a change but they should recover within a couple hours, I would retest and possibly do another change. Has it been a while since you did a water change? Temp and everything is ok?


Yeah a couple of the healthier heads are already coming back. I think they were shocked from the back plume of water that came from breaking the vacuum of the siphon.

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Doing a 50% WC can pH stress your corals (or temp stress if you don't heat it). They will get p*ssy for a few hours but will be OK afterwards. I wouldn't recommend doing 50% too often. 30% i the most I find I can do without annoying my corals (oh and I don't heat the water and I jut add the salt, shake and add into the back chambers).

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Definitely excrement of some sort. I wouldn't worry about them looking too bad as long as your water parameters check ok. Euphyllia can be really flaky sometimes, I have found that they will often times look bad for no reason at all but then pop right back. Could be anything, I wouldn't worry too much.

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Definitely excrement of some sort. I wouldn't worry about them looking too bad as long as your water parameters check ok. Euphyllia can be really flaky sometimes, I have found that they will often times look bad for no reason at all but then pop right back. Could be anything, I wouldn't worry too much.


Its been like 3 days now. Starting to look better slightly better but still pretty bad. I think shooting a plume of water on it on accident def. messed it up

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I managed to suck off half of the head of my hammer when doing a water change. After 3 weeks it had completely grown back. They are tougher than you think as long as your water parameters are good (and stable).

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2 of the heads started doing better but now another 2 have died...also 2 look very weird, like they decomposing or something. Here's a pic:




Also one head on the hammer was closed for about a day and today there is something weird comming out of it.



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Ok I cut off the bad heads...think its too late as some of the other heads are now getting the same response :(

Edited by ballerina
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You need to do it the other way round - cut off the good heads... Give the bad heads a chance but if the good heads are completely seperate from all the decay they stand a better chance...

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The Propagator

My guess is some thing stung it.

Did you recently purchase this from you LFS ?

Did it act weird from day one ?


If so then go back to the LFS and look in the same tank. Don't say anything though because they wont do anything for you more then likely any way. Look for frog spawn, or hydnopora near where they removed the frag from the tank for you. If there is one or the other near by then I would bet a dollar to a dough nut they dropped it dead nuts on one or the other while removing it to bag it.

UNLESS you have any of those species and did it by accident placing it in your own tank ?

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