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Okay I only have a 14g biocube with protein skimmer and cheato


Heres what I would like to have IF POSSIBLE


1 cleaner shrimp

1 peppermint shrimp

1 harelquin shrimp

Mated pair of clowns (already have)

1 Tailspot Blenny



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Okay I only have a 14g biocube with protein skimmer and cheato


Heres what I would like to have IF POSSIBLE


1 cleaner shrimp

1 peppermint shrimp

1 harelquin shrimp

Mated pair of clowns (already have)

1 Tailspot Blenny




how big are the clowns?

if you are adding the blenny, do it before the clowns get too comfortable in the tank. i had a pair of percula clowns in my 12g aquapod for about a year by themselves. i recently upgraded to a 30g cube so i could add more fish. well, i added 5 chromis and 1 mccosker's flasher wrasse and the clowns are harassing all of them. i expected it with the chromis b/c they are all damsels, but i didn't think the clowns would give the wrasse such a hard time. the clowns have become a lot more territorial than any of my previous clowns ever were - and i think it may have to do with them being used to being alone in a small tank for a while.

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i have very young 1 picasso and 1 ocellaris black


you would think since a blenny can hide in smaller/slimmer places in the rock that the clowns wouldnt bother them much. right now at the fish store(havent picked them up yet) they are living with a million scooter blennies lol

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i have very young 1 picasso and 1 ocellaris black


you would think since a blenny can hide in smaller/slimmer places in the rock that the clowns wouldnt bother them much. right now at the fish store(havent picked them up yet) they are living with a million scooter blennies lol


aren't the picasso clowns perculas? are the picasso and the ocellaris really a pair? or are you hoping they will become one?

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They are really a pair I dont see why not since they are both really young small and acutally even in size

and the picasso look kind of like percula but not...


heres a pic...



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They are really a pair I dont see why not since they are both really young small and acutally even in size

and the picasso look kind of like percula but not...


the ora picassos are perculas according to ora: http://www.orafarm.com/clownfish_species.html


do you already have these fish? or are they still at the fish store?



edit: sorry again...picassos are true percs

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I had to leave them at the fish store till sat.

but when i was there for over an hour, i closely watched them and they were swimming and dancing the whole time.


so i bought them.


and yes...i know percula and picasso are the same but their patterns are not

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I had to leave them at the fish store till sat.

but when i was there for over an hour, i closely watched them and they were swimming and dancing the whole time.


so i bought them.


and yes...i know percula and picasso are the same but their patterns are not


right. i just didn't think that ocellaris clowns and true percs could form a mated pair. i knew that it is possible that they would get along, but i didn't think they could form a true mated pair. oh well. if they are at the lfs together and appear to have formed a pair, then i guess it is a non-issue.

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scooter blennies aren't really blennies.


they are awfully cute but you're going to have a hard time feeding them (picky eaters -pods only)


ya i dont want one, i need a hardy fish ha

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scooter blennies aren't really blennies.


they are awfully cute but you're going to have a hard time feeding them (picky eaters -pods only)


i don't think she meant she was going to get one - just that they had them at the lfs with the clowns.

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Okay I only have a 14g biocube with protein skimmer and cheato


Heres what I would like to have IF POSSIBLE


1 cleaner shrimp

1 peppermint shrimp

1 harelquin shrimp

Mated pair of clowns (already have)

1 Tailspot Blenny




Sounds awesome, just gotta feed the harlequin shrimp starfish now and again :D.



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Sounds awesome, just gotta feed the harlequin shrimp starfish now and again :D.




Starfish!? oh no! with my rock there are a million little bity star fish on it and they look so cool! I dont want them eatten! hah

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Starfish!? oh no! with my rock there are a million little bity star fish on it and they look so cool! I dont want them eatten! hah


armageddon awaits...

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Starfish!? oh no! with my rock there are a million little bity star fish on it and they look so cool! I dont want them eatten! hah



Yeah that's the diet of the Harlequin Shrimp, as beautiful as they are...My friend has a pair...in a 75G wiped out every asterina star in the tank...:D

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i love harlequins, but the thought of a rotting carcass of a starfish sitting at the bottom of my reef tank turns my stomach haha.


most people keep 2-3 starfish in another tank and just cut off a leg at a time and feed it to the harlequins. the leg isn't dead b/c it would regenerate into a new starfish if left alone. from what i understand, the starfish are literally eaten alive until the very last bite. yummy!

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No thats all they eat. what i do is i get the star fish cut them in to 1/2" X 1/2" pieces take some dry ice to freeze them fast amd i give them a small piece a week they don need much and if you freeze in your freezer they turn to mush

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they dont care that much i find the cheapest i can find but you live in washington like i did most of my life. All i did was got a saltwater collecting permit found a few large starfish put them in a bucket of saltwater outside for about 3 days then started to dice them up. 3 large pacific star fish would last my shrimp almost a year. But yes chocolate chip star fish will do just fine too

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