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TyTy's 5.5 gallon


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sadly i got no work done this weekend but i hope finish "DIYing" by the end of this week. i have all my supplies i just haven't had a chance to work on it.

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looking great! gotta have the DIY water test pix


lol ya i totaly forgot to post them here until i looked at the camera and was like hey pictures!


awesome project... just curious, where in Rochester are you? I got to RIT


i live in webster. i go to webster thomas high school.




YA im in high school

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although my plan for lighting has turned out to not be the best route to go so im stuck as to what to do.

i have one other plan but im still not sure.

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October 17 FTS and budget update






live rock ----------------------------------$0

live sand ---------------------------------$0

USED160gph pump($19.99new)75%-14.99-----$0

USED stealth 50watt heater(15.99new 75%-11.99-$0

Light is temporary actual light comes the 21st ----$0 (for now will change)

2 orange zoa's -----------------------------$4


Budget Remaining------------------$246



don't worry it doesn't look like much now

but my real light should be here tuesday and things should start from there.

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i need to fix my aquascape the 2 rocks on the far left tipped over.


I just was messing with my fuge and i have seem to have gotten rid of the bubbles coming from the output.


Now i can just never touch it again or turn the pump off....

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Wheredja get the light from?

You score a good deal on it or something?

I want to see what the tank looks like with that light over it.

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i got it from hellolights. i tried my hardest to find a good deal but nothing came up. although if you have ever been on hellolights website they have this live chat thing and to make a long story short they guy gave me a 10% coupon. but i still only ranked a 7 out 10 on the weird conversation meter. :lol:


70 mh retro fit kit $108 x 10% = 10.80 | 108-10.80= $97.20

ebay Bulb -- $19.99

budget -- $246-$97.20-$19.99=$128.81


this light will be the biggest part of my budget but i have a plan and it shall be my little secret :closedeyes:

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Sorry everybody for the lack of updates. i have been real bsuy lately. and also the tank looks like crap right now as it had a BAD ACCIDENT.


Well to make another long story short.

I was ast my friends house feeding his dog. when i got a call from my mom freaking out screaming yelling AND THEN THE 3 WORDS YOUR NEVER WANT TO HERE "theres water everywhere" ....!!!. at first i thought i was my 20gallon leaking everywhere but i turned out the bottom of my filter box on this tank broke open and leaked about half a gallon of water on the floor so it wasn't so bad.


But i was PI$$ED all that work and the damn thing leaks. so in order to fix it i had to take it all apart. after doing so i find that the acrylic is all warped so i gave up. I said im making it out of glass and silicone end of story.


so i went to lowes had some glass cut. then my gf's mom has this diamond bit router like table and she cut 2 holes in the glass. THANK YOU KIT!


so hopefully tonight i will get it siliconed all together. this being my chance to improve my design i made it an inch wider for my hand to fit in easier for maintence. and i made it an inch taller so the water isn't as close to the edge.


Also im going to make a durso type output to reduce bubbles in the Tank


I got a switch for my light and here are some picture for you






soon as i finish the filter i while FINALLY BUILD MY CANOPY and get this show on the road

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  • 3 weeks later...

how about a post now :)


Ok my Monthly update.


so like i said before my filter sprung a leak so i made a new one out of glass i finished today so on tuesday when the silicone is finished curing it will in action.


also i will be done with my hood very soon. i got started on it this weekend. i got the metal halide retro ready to go. so thats done and i cut some wood for the hood today and just need to put it together.


sorry things have been really slow this month, very busy. but by the end of this week i will be ready to go and FINALLY ADD SOME CORAL TO THIS BAD BOY!!!!! i already have some frags in my 20 long waiting to see this tank.


here are some pictures










live rock ----------------------------------$0

live sand ---------------------------------$0

USED160gph pump($19.99new)75%-14.99-----$0

USED stealth 50watt heater(15.99new 75%-11.99-$0

2 orange zoa's -----------------------------$4

scarlet hermit-------------------------------$3

turbo snail----------------------------------$1.50

70 mh retro fit kit $108 x 10% = 10.80 | 108-10.80= $97.20

ebay Bulb -- $19.99


budget remaining-- $124.31

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Nice light! dam me and no DIY skillz...I can just imagine how much money I would save lol


looks great so far can't wait to see it with some coralz :P

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