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Remora nano and BC 14g


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I'm using an Aqua C Remora Nano on my Biocube 14, but had to modify the hood a little. The pump and the return are in the middle chamber though, because that was the only place I could fit it in. Then I also had to cut the wall between the middle and the side of the first chamber so the return fits in better, because it's kind of hanging into the first chamber a little.

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I'm using an Aqua C Remora Nano on my Biocube 14, but had to modify the hood a little. The pump and the return are in the middle chamber though, because that was the only place I could fit it in. Then I also had to cut the wall between the middle and the side of the first chamber so the return fits in better, because it's kind of hanging into the first chamber a little.



Could you post pics? I'm interested about this too :)

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Here you go:


This is what I did with the hood:




(I wished I had a dremel way back then...)


And this is where the AquaC Remora Nano sits:




Maybe there are better ways to make it fit, but this is what I did and it worked fine.

The only problem is, the Remora is a bit noisy and after a while it can really get on your nerves, so be sure to try this mod.


I was trying to find info on people running the Tunze 9002 DOC nano skimmers with not much luck. While doing so I saw lots of threads from people complaing of the noise from Remoras.


Here is a super easy fix that is cheap.

This fix ABSOLUTELY saved me from an angry girlfriend and allowed me to hear the TV again.


1) Rip a paper towel in half or thirds.

2) Remove the Remora collection cup

3) Fold a piece of the paper several times until it is slightly larger than the injection side of the skimmer

When looking down in to the top of the skimmer, the injection side is on the left with the pipe coming in from the tank.

4) Dip the folded piece in the tank or in some water

5) Simply put the paper towel over the pipe, using your finger to "fold" the edges around the compartment.

6) Replace the skimmer cup.

7) QUIET!!!


Ok, I tried to be as descriptive as possible, let me know if you have problems.

I am not taking credit for this, I found it on RC a long time ago and figured it needed a refresh.

I hope this helps a little.

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