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My Alife 7... and loving it! =)


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Check out my Alife 7:



7 gallon

10 lbs live rock (rocks have alot of live on it already, nice coraline)

15 lbs Aragonite Sand

1 Hammer Coral

1 Frogspawn

1 Anenome (no clue what type coz it came with the rock)

2 Mushroom

1 SPS Coral (I think, also came with the rock, pretty small)

1 Clarki Clown

1 Citron Goby

1 Peppermint Shrimp

1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

8 Hermits

8 Snails


Other specs:

1X27watt 50/50 (came with the tank)

Replaced stock ballast to Workhorse II

Added a fan to cool the water temperature during the summer

50watt Heater

1 powerhead to waterflow and the other for filter

Made an overflow to get rid of the junk on the water surface



B-Ionic 1 & 2 (1.5 ml for each per day, since it is a small tank, don't need that much. Plus the direction said to put 1ml for each 4 gallons)


Got most of the livestocks from nano-reef & reef central users. Got them for pretty good price (especially the frogspawn).


That's about it. Probably forgetting something. Feel free to ask questions or comments. Thanks.

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Alright... I dunno why I can't post up my pic. I made it small enough but it still says the pic is too big. What am I doing wrong? Some of you guys have bigger pic in the forum. Arrrggh.. oh wells. I guess you guys will have to wait until I figure out this whole posting pic thing. Please help if you can! Thanx

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wow..thats one big heaping heater :D Rockwork looks cool. If the frogspawn has multiple heads, maybe you should split it unless you want the frogspawn as your center piece. Looks good though..

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the heater IS pretty big. can't find a smaller one... it'll be fine.


as for now, the frogspawn will be my center piece. my clarki is chilling with it most of the time so I get to stare at it all the time =P


so you go to UCSD also? I just graduated from there this past June. Finally done! haha

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I want to put the heater in the back where the filter is, but the heater sticks out from the water... trying to find a smaller & shorter heater right now.



what heater are you using?

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isn't that bad though? well the manufacturer suggested to the heater somewhere in the middle.. not too high up.. not too low.. and away from touching anything.. i'm just following the rule coz i dont wanna wake up one morning and find everything dead in my tank =P just being careful .. that's all

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You could mount it horizontally in the back and not touching the sand. My brother has his mounted as so and there hasn't been any issues. I have mine mounted in my AQ 300.



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  • 2 weeks later...

still working on moving my heater somewhere in the back or getting a smaller one =P... but my tank has been up for 7 weeks. everything is doing fine except my cleaner shrimp died on me last week for no reason. it was alive and swimming around in the morning and when i came back home from work, it was dead =(

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