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biocube protein skimmer, POS?


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I have one, and it's probably the biggest waste of money I've encountered so far with my BioCube. Save up for a Tunze 9002, and don't even waste your time with the BC skimmer.

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well hold on here what is going to be you stocking plan that really decides what type of skimmer you would need. If you what to lessen the amount of nutrients out of your what the BC skimmer will take some out but not all. If you have a light bioload and do fequent water changes you wont really need a skimmer for a 14BC tank. what has not been metioned with getting a Aqua C ramora or tunze 9002 they wont fit with a stock hood with out quite a bit of mods to you tank.


1. if you have a bioload that needs a skimmer


2. you get what you pay for ( crappy skimmers are cheap for a reason)

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If you have a light bioload and do fequent water changes you wont really need a skimmer for a 14BC tank. what has not been metioned with getting a Aqua C ramora or tunze 9002 they wont fit with a stock hood with out quite a bit of mods to you tank.



Do you know if a Tunze 9002 fits in a topless BC14?

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So a bit long winded, but...


A) I don't think the Tunze 9002 will fit in a 14g BC...so that option may be out. But if it fits, that's a good skimmer.


But your questions - a protein skimmer is necessary/recommended if a) the stocking would need it, such as a large bioload or SPS, or B) you are lazy like me and not very good at doing water changes/dosing on time.


As for the BC Skimmer - I'll take some flak on this, but it's ok at best. Heck, its an airstone skimmer, what does anyone expect? It's also 1/5 the cost of the "other" skimmers. I believe that it works at least 20% as well as those, so it's a value to me. I upgraded the air pump, and I also extended the chamber to as tall as I could (pm me for details). Those both helped a bunch, but the chamber extension much more so.


Another question to answer is: are you going to put a fuge in the back of your tank? Normally that would be in the second chamber. If so, then I think that pretty much rules out all the other skimmers. Second, are you going open top, or using the canopy? The remora and such hang on the back of the tank, and it won't work with the canopy on. For that reason alone, I went with the airstone skimmer - canopy on (wife won't budge on this) and I didn't want to spend the money on the Tunze, CPR, or Sapphire skimmers (all $150 to 200). HTH

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As for the BC Skimmer - I'll take some flak on this, but it's ok at best. Heck, its an airstone skimmer, what does anyone expect? It's also 1/5 the cost of the "other" skimmers. I believe that it works at least 20% as well as those, so it's a value to me. I upgraded the air pump, and I also extended the chamber to as tall as I could (pm me for details). Those both helped a bunch, but the chamber extension much more so.


+1, I did the same and it pulls out stuff. Enough said, it's doing something which is more than nothing. Mine is on a timer with my MH lights, in the middle of the day the froth is light brown, by the end of the night its clear white, it's doing something.

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Protein skimmer = waste of money in a tank this size. (and actually there is good argument of how they can be more harmful than good in a tank this size but I won't get into that)


Get some chaeto and do weekly water changes, this will keep you phosphates/nitrates at 0

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Protein skimmer = waste of money in a tank this size. (and actually there is good argument of how they can be more harmful than good in a tank this size but I won't get into that)


Please do or start up a new thread or links please.

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Protein skimmer = waste of money in a tank this size. (and actually there is good argument of how they can be more harmful than good in a tank this size but I won't get into that)


Trust me - this does not apply to the BC skimmer. It does not skim enough to "clean" the water too well. It just provides some cushion for sloppy water change timing and over feeding.

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So basically I took back my BC skimmer because yes it was a POS

and placed in the 2nd chamber a heap of cheato


kept the charcol filter, and rinsed it out once a week


so far the tank is clear and water levels are a-ok

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