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Innovative Marine Aquariums

In a new tank, when should one stock macroalgae to a refugium?


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As the title says. I know I need to wait 2-3 months before adding corals and such, but when do you recommend adding chaeto to a tank and/or refugium? Simply after ammonia and nitrites are undetectable? before? later? whenever?


Thanks for any thoughts.


P.S. I know that the whole tank is a refugium in a sense if there are no corals or fish in it, but you get the drift. :)

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Thanks folks. I asked at LFS and he said that ammonia and nitrites would be bad for the algae. That seemed illogical since algae and plants love ammonia and nitrites; if he were right there wouldn't be algae cycles in reef and planted tanks. Seems to be yet another case of "don't trust what the LFS's say."

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how much chaeto do you need for a 28 gallon tank, do you buy it by the pound? I just started cycling mine about 2 weeks ago, still waiting for the nitrates to go down. I have the JBJ 28g HQI nano. Should i put it in the main tank or the back?

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It's usually sold by volume. A sandwich bag clump should be plenty.



Four posts and nothing useful said. Keep trying! You'll get it eventually :)

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Four posts and nothing useful said. Keep trying! You'll get it eventually :)


WTF.... :huh: Kray's just be'in nice...probably should lay low if you want any other help....this is after all the Beginners Discussion area...


And 2 - 3 months? You can't really stick a hard number on when you plan to put any live animals in your tank...it all depends on when the actual cycle is over and when the tank has stabilized...that could be 1 month, 6 months or ???

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WTF.... :huh: Kray's just be'in nice...probably should lay low if you want any other help....this is after all the Beginners Discussion area...

This is the beginners discussion area, exactly... a place to help beginners. Please point to anything above posted by said poster that you consider helpful to a beginner. If any of that was intended as nice, then my apologies, but to a beginner like me, a response of "laughing his fraggin but off" to a legitimate question seems belittling at worst and unhelpful at best.


I suppose I just need thicker skin for the atmoposhere of this forum. This isn't the first time I've butted heads over asinine comments in my short tenure here. It's funny how forums have an atmosphere about them. The one here is overwhelming juvenile... Generation Text.

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My guess is he was laughing at the LFS telling you nitrate was not good for plants??



And read the first three posts after yours in this thread...seems your question was answered....

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I agree Kraylen was just laughing at what the LFS said and it not about having thick skin its just about realizing that not everything is entirely serious. Post count really don't mean anything if someone doesn't have anything useful to say. Someone could have 10,000 posts and just hang out in the lounge and never had a tank. As to your orginal question, yes adding cheato as soon as possible would be to the benefit of your tank. With the jbj 28g there is the built in fuge in the back, this is where you should put the cheato. Get yourself a light and you'll be set to go. If you have any other questions just let us know, there is a wealth of information here.

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I agree Kraylen was just laughing at what the LFS said and it not about having thick skin its just about realizing that not everything is entirely serious. Post count really don't mean anything if someone doesn't have anything useful to say. Someone could have 10,000 posts and just hang out in the lounge and never had a tank. As to your orginal question, yes adding cheato as soon as possible would be to the benefit of your tank. With the jbj 28g there is the built in fuge in the back, this is where you should put the cheato. Get yourself a light and you'll be set to go. If you have any other questions just let us know, there is a wealth of information here.


Thanks for the helpful post. Probably right about Kraylen's intention. He sure did nothing to legitimize that interpretation. Agreed on post counts and utility.


The reason I asked about when to add chaeto is that there is some evidence in planted tanks that lots of plant growth interferes with tank cycling; the idea is that plants uptake of NH3 and NO2 prevents the nitrifying bacterial colonies from developing. I know macroalgaes aren't plants, but thought something similar might be going on here.


I'll go ahead and add some today based on the # of replies to that effect here. Luckily, my AIO came with an LED light included in the refugium, so I'm all set there.


No thank YOU for the confirmation.

I knew if you kept posting eventually something helpful would happen - you helped me find the ignore list on the forum. Thanks, very helpful.

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OK...i do more lurking than asking here, mainly because most of my questions have been answered in the past. **yea for the search button**


In this case, i couldn't stop laughing at the conversation going on here! Thanks for all involved for starting my day on a funny note ;)


BTW - Thanks to this post I have my own chaeto question answered :)



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