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Wow nice tank. What kind of bulb do you have in your CSL because im getting a 5g with CSL 32w smartlight and im wondering what to use to make it look great and bring out the colors like yours. Nice work, keep it up.

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infiniti thanks.... :happy:


birdman, I will keep you first in line for next round of monti frags man. Shouldnt be too long.


NanoNewbie, I am using a CSL smartlight 50/50 bulb. The colors look fairly rich under that bulb. You should be happy with it.



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Gil Thanks for the note ;) Your tank has inspired me to put up another at work! I have an order coming from goochs corals so when they get here, ill post new pics of mine! P.S. I am looking for a large tank and could use some local hookups. PM me? I dunno something around 125 - 220 gallons :P

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wow I guess I haven't gotten email notification on this in a while, I had no idea people posted happy birthdays and stuff. THANKS!!!


birdman and cliffrouse :blush: That's very cool. It makes me feel good to know I may have helped promote this kick ass hobby in a positive way.


birdman, I will be able to lop off a limb for ya VERY soon man. Where in OC are ya? (if I already asked this, sorry I'm slow) As far as local hookups on large tanks, I have NO IDEA! You may want to try contacting Anthony at aquadesignz.com to see if he has any ideas. I know you can get custom tanks from Lee Mar, but they are freaking expensive.




ps. happy belated birthday birdman

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Sounds good gil. I am in Laguna Niguel. I definatley have some zoo frags for ya as well. I think you may like. I also have the standard Xenia and GSP frags ;) (sorry caja) The xenia would be neat to watch grow, it is a small rock, with 1 little arm pumping away! But seriously, the zoos....Yours. My bali pinks are almost ready to frag as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I finally fragged the monti last night. I made 5 frags of it. SOOOOOO, I have a frag for you. Let me know when you wanna meet up, and I can give it to ya.


Montipora frags from this round go to.....

1 Tow Up

1 Adin

1 Calagero

1 Birdman204

1 Non Board Member Local Reefer



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Um sure on the digi. Thanks for remembering me. I have a small orange piece of the same i could trade ya. Very vibrantly colored. needs to grow out but I think you'd like it. Lets see what else do I have here takin up space..... Some plum/red ringed zoos, and then 3 different very small frags, less than 10 polyps, 8 , 5 , and 1 neon green zoo. These are my Faves next to the oranges. Say Congrats on your Tanks of the month. Everything looks so mature and grown out, like a small slice of a full size reef! Very Cool. How much room do you have left in your tank? Were those pics new?

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Congrats on TOTM Gilman!


Birdman... I think the farms/suppliers in Fiji shipped out a load of purple and orange monti digis to LFS worldwide. You guys got them in the US... and we got them over here in Singapore as well. I've seen some colonies here that look very similar to yours.



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Hey thanks danano :D


birdman that orange monti looks sweet man. I hope it stays that bright in our tank. Man i wanna snap off a piece purple monti too.... :D


I have some pink center zoos that grow really fast, lemme know of you want some. Here is a shot of them...



By the way, do you have flatworms? I do. Figured I better let you know since you are gettings stuff from my tank. :(



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No flatworms here, yet..... If your digi is a fresh cut frag, i will inspect it closely before "installation". I do have a small, but fragile frag of the purple too, it's basically three nubs that snapped off during shipping. It's up there on the top left corner between the two oranges. You can check it out on Sunday. Decide if you want it. The zoos may be harder to spot the flatworms on. My guess is they (theworms) came from Petown. When I purchased my clams there, one had a couple in the bag, i was able to siphon them out though.


Thread hijack - Danano - Your new "cube" tank has inspired me to do another tank for my wife, the 37g oceanic "psudeo-cube" Hopefully mine will be half as tight as yours. Those digis are all ORA.

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The monti frags are mounted to small pieces of liverock as are the zooanthids. I think a quick freshwater dip would remove any flatworms, or you could just snap the frag off of the rock since it was just put there a couple days ago. It isnt encrusting yet so it should be no problem. The zoos will definitely be a bit more difficult to tell.



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Well, its weird, the orange ones I have dont grow so fast, but then again I DO keep trading them so the colony gets smaller and smaller. :) It used to be a huge colony, now its like a frag.




awww... I had cyano in that pic. Glad its gone. :)

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I have seen those before. They are almost the same, but ours are definitely pink centered without the orange ring.


Here is a shot of 4 of the monti frags at the bottom of our Minibow.....




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Hey digital, Guess how many times I have thrown objects at the wall in a fit of rage trying to get my tank right... still not happy enough :D


Gil - Come on over sunday. Are you a morning or afternoon person? Newcastle , or coors light. Any of those frags will do ! Small ones are fine, I don't have self esteem issues :D

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digital, thanks man. Be patient and your tank will be full before you know it.


LOL @ objects thrown @ walls in fits of rage!


Newcastle or Coors Light : answer.. Pacifico w/lime


Sunday morning would be good, let me know what time and pm directions and im there.


We don't have too much room in our tank either btw. The zoos are covering most of the useable space. I am considering getting rid of our yellow polyp rock since it is taking up real estate that could be better used for zoos or montipora.


Talk to you soon,



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