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SLOW growth SPS & moderate light high in tank?


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Any suggestions for a nice SPS with the above characteristics? Light is CSL 24" 2x 6W PC fixture. I will be putting the SPS if I go for it about 5 inches below the light. SLOW growth is really important to me. Input greatly appreciated! :D

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The light fixture has one 65W 50/50 and one 65W 10K actinic (with two LED moonlights thrown in). So that's 130W for a 15 gallon regular (only 12" tall). I want to put a nice SPS front and center but want to choose an appropriate specimen. Also, flow is quite good. Thanks in advance for any input. :

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thats better....=)


Its kinda hard to say what will grow fast and what will grow slow because things can be so different from tank to tank. The general rule though...if you like it a lot it will grow slow! At least thats what happens to me. With that much light you might get moderate growth from some and little from others. Try some digitata, monti caps (the orange does very well under pc's), pavona, yongei, maybe a millepora or pocillipora if placed high but no guarantees. I cant seem to think of any others at the moment.



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Mont caps and some Distochiopora ( fire corals)


SPS really do not thrive under Power Compacts IME.


Slow growth is not recomended. you are better off just letting them grow, and fragging them. Slowing the growth cycle down will inevetably cause them health and nutrition issues. I have been reading a few studies as of recient on this..... I have no solid advice to give other than the above at this time...



HTH ???

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Here is what you do: Let them grow as Dave said then frag them. He did however leave out the part about giving the frags to me once you cut them up. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

check this out ..i have the identical setup...2 65 watt PC's

acro with branching....34058391.jpg34058394.jpg




this acro is BRANCHING...small bud, and has started since last month...(from the looks of it, it is the side that is AWAY from the light)


it's on the SANDBED 12" away from the light...


it was NOT branching under the LFS lights and it was BROWN...


it so far has succeeded branching as well as toning up to a nice green color..


so it CAN work..


LFS said it was a green fiji slimer... i'm researching now to find out exactly what it is...i've had this baby for 3 months...it grew ALOT taller, but not much sideways, if that's what your after (i.e. space between corals in a nano) i believe branching occurs more if u place it horizontal...(reaching for the light)..

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branching is also a result of flow. I have the same green bali slimmer (a.yongi) and it is branching more in a high flow area of the tank...


water quality is also very important...



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