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Cannot calibrate my ph probe if my life depended on it


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I just recently purchased a brand new reefkeeper 2 and ph probe. I upgraded the firmware and set it up but cannot get the ph probe to calibrate properly. I tried it twice with pinpoint ph fluid and once with a friends lab grade ph fluid. What are the chances im doing something wrong? What can be the cause of this problem?

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Im using the Reefkeeper 2. I cannot calibrate it. I dont know if im doing something wrong or if something is bad but I bought it all brand new. I tried calibrating it three times. It says wait for the stable value for 7 press select and then same for 10.

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When I finish calibrating it the numbers are way off. Then I try dipping it back into the 7 fluid to see if its working and its right on but when I try to 10 its way off.

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I don't have the same controller, but I will say my probe takes longer to settle in the 10 soltuion than it does in the 7. Try using new soltuion and just let it sit for 5-10 minutes to be SURE it won't move again.


Also, how off is way off?

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Thats interesting to know. The instruction say it can take up to 2 minutes so I figure if its a lot longer than that maybe im waiting to long. Maybe I should just wait 10 minutes for each. When I say way off it will read like 8 in a 10 solution. Well its been off all over lol

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I always thought you did the higher one before the lower one as there was more room for variation...


No. My ACjr doesn't give you a choice. It asks for the lower one then the higher one. The order really doesn't matter anyway. You use the 2 points to define the slope between them. The order is irrelevant.


You use 7 and 10 beacuse 8 in between the two. If you used 4 and 10 the probe would be calibrated, but less accurate because the 2 reference points are further away from one another and thus more room for deviation from the slope.

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Maybe it's just when you manually calibrate then. You can only calibrate my pH probe that way as one "turney screw" doesn't move as much as the other...

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I was shaking it off and dipping it into R/O water in between. Maybe you need to leave it in longer than 2 minutes? Im just clueless right now....

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When I calibrate mine, I'll stir the probe gently around in some RO water, and then shake off the excess, and then test in solution. The solution never reads on the dot for me though and i don't think it will ever really. The 10 for me (using an American Marine pH probe) will usually read like 9.5 And the 7 for me is like 7.3 - 7.4 it's possible you have a bad probe though. There should have been some liquid in the cap of it before you took it off. Also have you tried it out yet in your tank? What's the reading of it in there? it's not so much the reading in the solution I've found...

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I'm having the same problem with mine on my Acjr. I guess I didn't leave it in the 10 solution long enough. Mine reads 7.2 on my tank right now. API says 8.2. I've already ordered more calibration fluid!!


Hey Ben, check out my tank moving thread. As always I highly value your input!!

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Hey Ben, check out my tank moving thread. As always I highly value your input!!


You gonna give me a link or make me look for it???



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