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Cultivated Reef



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Thanks for the response. Would this pump be all I need in that size tank? I saw a video on youtube of one in the solana and it actually made waves! That is just awesome.


I know I should have bought one then and I actually asked him about pricing. I just didnt have the money at the time! I do now and I am tired of the koralias on a wavemaker. They are clunky and there pattern gets off with time!

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The group buy is still going on through August, contact StanD. I just got one through him and it should be delivered today for my solana. I will have pics / video in my thread when I get it

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In answer to your question... Absolutely.


A bit of advice. Get the 40. Its more money but it allows you more flexibility down the road. You can adjust the max speed of the unit down and it is the same size as the 20.

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Thanks Kmitch! I will contact him. I read your thread and your tank is coming along nicely, sucks about the one that cracked. That made me nervous because about that time my skimmer broke but Current replaced it no questions asked.

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