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C Jerome's New 3.5 Custom All in One

C Jerome

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I wanted to replace my 2.5 gallon tank on my desk at work with something a little cleaner, a hair larger and a little different. I have had the 2.5 set up for about five years since I was inspired by Liquids back in the day.

I decided on what I wanted in the new tank and TheCowKid built it for me, and did a fantastic job, I would order another tank from him tomorrow.

The tanks show space is about two inches deeper than the 2.5 but similar height and width. The sump area runs the length of the tank and adds about three inches onto the back of the system. The heater is in the middle fuge compartment, the return pump is a mini jet 606 through a 1/2 loc line split with two 1/2 to 2x1/4. I have not settled on the return set up yet, and may switch the nozzles around or switch one to a half inch. The one issue I have with the tank is it cant quite handle the level of flow I would like, I think once I monkey around with aiming the nozzles and such it should be okay with the current level with out adding a small PH to the tank. I am trying to avoid this to keep it clean. Pictures below, comments welcome!


The former 2.5 gallon with 2x13w custom hood.



The new tank after a water test.



Rear View



First try at stacking the rocks. I wanted to use the rock from my 2.5 because a lot of the corals are grown right on the base rock and not able to be removed, but at the same time I wanted a new arrangement so I picked up a few new small pieces to add into the scape.



I was not satisfied with the above stack so I re did it and settled on the below scape.



After about a week of settling in.



Macro of my Leather


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Thanks for the comments. I hope it will look even better once I fill in that ledge with some corals. I am not sure on how I am going to orgainze all the corals. I was thinking the new white rock down and front with rics?



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Wow that looks awesome. So clean and minimal i love it. Leather looks super healthy. Curious what tank that is and what lighting your using? I want the same one haha

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Your tank looks very nice. And I agree with the others, thecowkid did a great job. I can see a variety of zoas of different colors growing on that ledge on top. Maybe a small sun coral down front for a splash of color.


BTW, what type of magnet cleaner will you use to keep it clean of algae? J/K ;)

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The lighting is a 2x18W Current fixture with moon light! Its just the right size for the tank. or even a tank a hair larger. The tank was custom built to my specs by TheCowKid here on NR.com. Look him up in the feedback section or shoot him a PM. I think he would be willing to build another as he has the measurements and sketch-up already. The price was fair and he charged the real amount for packing and shipping.


I maybe four or five zoo morphs in the tank now but three of them are orange colors, I have to add some color variety from my other tank and move out some of the extra orange frags. I have never had a sun coral but that would be nice, I will look into that.


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Hey man lookin good. Got a question for ya. I didnt drill those two little holes in the top left hand side of the false wall. What are they for? Oh you need to throw a few neon cleaner gobies in there and maybe a few sexies.


PS. Thanks for all the compliments my fellow reefers.

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The holes in the top left are my solution to increase the flow of water to the pump compartment so I can have the pump on a higher setting. I thought first, oh i will just add two overflow teeth but the water falling was too turbulent and created bubbles in the compartment which went right into the pump and back into the tank looking bad, so I filled in the stupid tooth and instead went with two holes with about an inch of airline tubing in them so the stream coming out into the back side is nice and smooth, I directed it so the water flows down the side of the tank so there are no bubbles.


As for live stock I added this nice peach colored snail from the turbo family, but my hermit crab thought its shell was really nice to so it decided to take it...

As of now I have two hermits no snails, corals.


Planned Inhabitants

Cleaner Shrimp (ordered will pick up thursday)

Tiny Brittle Star (ordered may be in thursday)

Shrimp Goby & paired Shrimp ( waiting for a pair to show up on the fish list)

Froma Star (if I can find one small enough)

new peach colored snail and some other snail

New Zoos


Long polyp leather



Any other ideas?

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Jerome what are you making a new tank for when you're suppose to be making me a nimble?? ahah


Kidding :) The tank looks really good. Like it better than the 2.5... nice rock work

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I can only spend so many hours working on the Nimbles with out a break, I need a little distraction sometimes to keep me going. Also its been raining for 11 day straight here until just this week so I had some down time when I could not work outside.



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I can only spend so many hours working on the Nimbles with out a break, I need a little distraction sometimes to keep me going. Also its been raining for 11 day straight here until just this week so I had some down time when I could not work outside.




I know I'm just bugging... no rush

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