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Tank Stand/Furniture?


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I'm looking into a new tank stand/furniture. My g/f thinks that a couple of DIY of 2x4s looks "tacky." She suggests to get a nightstand from walmart. She said that she would pay for it. Now the question is which one can actually put up with the wieght of my 10g? Any suggestions either which nightstand or from a different store like IKEA?

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Don't use particle board from anywhere. It's heavy and won't stand up to water. It also warps with weight. Just make sure it is solid wood or metal and can support the weight of a full tank and support equipment.

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I use a sink base for a large reptile tank. A smaller unit could easily support a Nano, and they are designed for a wet environment. I am planning on using another when I move my nano.

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well, yah particle board kinda sucks this is true. But I have seen a couple of my friends go to target and get those like 20 dollar little night stands (hey sometimes money is an issue) and if they happen to have a center support piece it seems to hold up rather well...


just dont get one that is rather wide and it simply help up by two pieces on each side, because eventually it will bow in the middle

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