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Need help rio nano skimmer. Mod for it?


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And there are a lot of threads about "skimmers" but I just kept checking one by one and did find a couple about this skimmer. Which seemed to get pretty good reviews from owners. Some did mention they had a little MOD with some air tubing and a valve. Well I got one it was purcahsed by a fellow reefer but did not fit her tank. So I bought it so she could get a different one. Any way so far it has been running a week and is noisey as hell. It produces foam but the foam does not make it to the top and spill into the cup very well. Only about one ounce of skimmate so far. Please if you have one and can give me the details for the Mod or any suggestions at all for it that would be great. I know I can search again but it took a long time before and I would still need details on the mod.

Thanks Deb

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And there are a lot of threads about "skimmers" but I just kept checking one by one and did find a couple about this skimmer. Which seemed to get pretty good reviews from owners. Some did mention they had a little MOD with some air tubing and a valve. Well I got one it was purcahsed by a fellow reefer but did not fit her tank. So I bought it so she could get a different one. Any way so far it has been running a week and is noisey as hell. It produces foam but the foam does not make it to the top and spill into the cup very well. Only about one ounce of skimmate so far. Please if you have one and can give me the details for the Mod or any suggestions at all for it that would be great. I know I can search again but it took a long time before and I would still need details on the mod.

Thanks Deb


Deb mine goes about a week before I have to dump the tank. It is very important that the rio is setup correctly and that the water level is correct in order for it to work right. To do that you can lift the gate up or down or remove it complete and fine tune by lifting the air intake up and down. (Mine has the gate removed)There is also a rubber plug that can be removed from the intake tube. Also, if the intake tube isn't seating all the way down then it won't work correctly either.The only other mod that could be done is to install a peice of airline to the top of the air inlet and a valve at the end of that to control the amount of air that is put into the skimmer but I haven't needed to do that. My skimmate is not very dark but it does skim.


Hope this helps,



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Google meshmod. that is one mod to do.

you can try removing the rubber plug on intake. That seemed to help for me.

I did the airline/valve on the air intake. Mostly 'cause its easier to get it primmed again that way.

Water level of tank is important. Gets too low and it wont pump.

Noise should quiet down once broken in.

it make take a week or 2 to break in and produce skimmate.


Just remember, if you make a adjustment, wait a few hours for it to settle in before tweaking more.

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Here's an instruction video that's up on youtube:


I've had mine on my 17gal. cube for almost a year with no probs. I wouldn't use it on anything more than 10-15gal. tank though. They're on clearance at premiumaquatics for $15.

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Thanks every one I will check out that video and practice waiting, again

The tank is only 5.5 gal I do at least 1 gallon water change per week but every little bit helps in having a clean tank so that is why I want to give the skimmer a try.


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