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Cultivated Reef

Maxima lighting


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Yes. My LFS has one in a 5.5 gallon aga. with 1 96w power quad.o houses some stoney corals in it too. They say you have to take the clam out and let it soak in some tank water mixed with phyto plankton though because the tank is too small for it to realy get nourished correctly.

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Yipeeeeee! I got it. It looks awesome... i'll get some pic's up soon. I think if i just turn off the PowerHead and filter i can inject some phyto in a cloud around him and hopefully that'll be enough. Additionally, i wanted to put the maxima closer to the light but it keeps jumping off down to the sandy bottom. Any suggestions on how to keep it in it's place?

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A maxima under 96 watts of PC? Man I should turn you into the Clam Police over at Reef Central. They'd have a field day.


Good luck! (And I mean that sincerely, not sarcastically).

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he probably doesn't like something about the spot you've put him in and he's trying to find a spot he likes. Perhaps you have to much water flow on the mantle or maybe it's something about the light he doesn't quite like yet.


Was he under MH or PC when you got him ? If he was under MH then he'll probably take a few days to get used to the new lighting. let him sit on the sand, although sitting him on a shell or small rock would be better..


You should also consider feeding the little guy in a small plastic container if you are unable to add enough food to the tank. float a plastic container with the clam and some phyto and give him about 30 mins to eat. you should start off with green water and by the end it should almost be clear.



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That's great advice skeletor! I love this site!! I managed to fit my old hood that came with the ViaAqua on the top of my tank (2x18 watt pc's) along with the 96 watt quad. This would bring me up to 132 watts over an 11 gallon tank... surely that'll be sufficient for the Maxima. I guess we'll soon find out. Thanks again.. JB

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