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Innovative Marine Aquariums

That's it, I GIVE UP! (Long.)


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I swear to God I'm beyond words at this point. Let start from the beginning.


My tank has been going very smoothly, I've been adding a few cool simple things to my tank from my LFS as they come in and am starting to run out of space. I decide it's time for some nice Zoa's and start shopping online. I browse the livestock section on this site daily, check online vendors, etc. and start to get an idea of what I want. After some browsing I decide to get some zoa's sold in the livestock section from someone just across the state. I get all excited, seller is keeping in touch, make arrangements with the GF to be home the day its suppose to come in, etc. and then the deal falls through due to a pest problem. Ok, fine, didn't work give me money back and I'll try again. This was at the end of June and still not a word from the seller.


4th of July weekend comes around and im going camping. I order a JBJ ATO, make arrangements with the GF so I can be home when it comes, etc... I set it up, notice the day before I leave it acts like its reaching its maximum fill time even though I adjusted it to the max and everytime it has ATO'd with me there it ATO's for only a minute or two. I come home from a nice weekend camping in norcal and my pumps are running dry, a layer of salt is all over the place thanks to millions of microbubbles from the return line, a really sad looking yuma, and a dwindling cheap zoa colony from my LFS. Could have been worse but it sucked none the less. **Little more salt in the wound** So I send it back, tell them its defective, ok, I pay shipping to send it back, blah blah blah, replacing it with a Tunze ATO, they finally ship it today and ship it to the wrong address... ** stop salting **


Ok, browse livestock section some more, come across some really nice frags from a well reviewed seller, sweet!! Seller is great, keeping in touch, answering emails, shipped when promised, etc... Make arrangements yet again with the GF so I can be home when they arrive and what happens... Email from UPS saying "Delivery exception, package was damaged, UPS contacting shipper..." WTF?!!!! Ok, talk to the seller, he contacts UPS and manages to get it delivered to me the next day. One bag leaked a little. All in all, 2 out of 4 frags are in perfect shape right now, 1 is hurting, 1 is all black and closed and looking really sad, and my bonus frag is gray slimy and dead. Seller has been great, still working with him on it, can't say enough good things about him.


So I order some frags from Mr. Coral, ordered them thursday got them today, sweet! Actually going through a store this time, shipped on time can't complain about anything. I get the package this afternoon, open it up, check it out, its packaged well, the frags looked great, I only ordered 2 frags but got like 5!! SWEET!! SCORE!!! We have a big trial going on at work and being the IT guy, I get called upon often. Right about 4PM their rented high speed copier dies so I have to arrange getting a new one there ASAP. Whatever I do all that stuff, don't get done until about 6:30 and am ready to go home, acclimate and enjoy. I go into my office and the box is missing... WTF?! Only one person in my office has a reef tank and I know he would never steal anything so it must have been the janitor. I go up to the 23rd floor and look for him, not there. I go down to security, explain my situation, he calls the supervisor, we go look for the big trash bag on 22, its not there, we go downstairs to the basement and start dumpster diving. So here I am in my suit pants, a button up shirt with rolled up sleeve's and bright green gloves ripping through trash bags looking for my f'ing frags. After about 1/2 some guy comes to start picking up the garbage. I briefly look up at him (knee deep in garbage mind you) and he has the box my frags were in. We look in the box, in the recycling dumpster and nothing. Then the janitor who cleans 22 comes down, we ask him if he threw away a box with a big air filled bag of water with rocks in it and he says yes. We dumpster dive some more to no avail. I say f it, tell them to stop, and walk away.Walk to security try to file a report and they don't know what to do.


F' it. I give up ordering Zoa's online. Karma is a bich, I don't know what I did but whoever I did it to, I'm sorry.


End rant.

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wow that bites man. sorry to hear that and open up a complaint to get your money back from the building management people.

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Dump the water out now and buy a birdcage. :P


I'm really sorry all of that happened to you, I know how much you look forward to the arrival of new livestock.

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Ouch. Just think that you've used up all the bad karma you accumulated. Now go by some acroporas and clams! They won't need MH or T5s for you...only love...

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I don't know what I did but whoever I did it to, I'm sorry.


End rant.


well for starters, ther is only 1 girl in a bikini, not lots


sorry bout your bad luck, but it is a lot better than GW dropping a bomb on your house so we can have cheep expensive gas

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Oh, man. I would flip on the guy who threw them out. that is just stupid. I feel so bad for you and also terrified of ever ordering online :x

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oddly enough.. I am a janitor and most of the time I am taking trash out of offices, gift shops, etc. If I touched something on one of the desks that was there mail. I would be fired the next day. The least he should have to do is pay you back or management pays and he suspended


Oh, man. I would flip on the guy who threw them out. that is just stupid. I feel so bad for you and also terrified of ever ordering online :x
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damn, that's some serious bad luck. go check out the bay area and sacramento fish stores. nice way to get away on the weekend and bond with the significant other too.


the wife and I had a great time checking out the Sac stores a couple of saturdays ago.

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Told the office manager about it today and including the description this is what she wrote to the building:



badbread and the janitors tried going through the trash last night, but could not find it.




We do not want to get anyone in trouble -- we are appreciative of the great service maintainence company provides.


and he wrote back:


I have to follow policy and suspend the janitor for 1 day .


If badbread wants to replace item that was thrown out, just give us a receipt and I'll get a reimbursement for him.


Sorry for the inconvenience.


Kind of sucks, I hate to get people in trouble, he mistook the item for trash hopefully an honest mistake. I guess policy says he is really only suppose to remove things that are labeled as trash...

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At my work they are not allow to throw any box or anything which is not in a garbage can.


If you need to throw large item out you need to mark it as trash before they will touch it.

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That blows.

Get ahold of some BAR or MARS members and you'll get some quality frags cheap.

Or take a drive to Sacramento.

Your Reef in Roseville or Coral Reef Shop in Carmichael are 2 good places to start.

Kalypso in Lodi is a small shop but has some good frags and reasonable price too.


the 4 corals I have are frags themselves 'else i'd give you some.

be awhile before they grow out and I can frag them.

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