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Which light is hotter?


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is the blue actinic light hotter than the 10,000 k light? i ask because i want to know when the fan should run. i think the daylight is actually hotter.



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? I'm not totally sure what your asking and w/o a timing schedule from you it's kinda hard to respond. You wanna run the fan when the lights are on. I usually run fans w/ either all the bulbs photoperiod or just the daylights. Clear up your ? a bit please....



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sorry. i wanted to know, which light (actinic blue or the 10 000k) is hotter? i bought the CSL, there are separate switch to turn the light on. but only one of the light is hooked onto the fan. so i was asking which bulb should be connected with the fan? hope that clears up the question.

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I have both the bulbs with two fan and I realize that the air coming from the blue bulb is hotter than the one coming from the 10K.

However I recommend to use two fan.

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I think if they are both listed with the same wattage, they should produce the same temperature. I could be wrong but if they are 32W each, that 32W is the usage energy of the bulbs so they must produce the same amount of heat. I could be wrong.



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well yes and no. The definative variable is the gas they use to produce the light and not so muchthe wattage. Actinics use a different gas then 10k would use. Some gas'es burn conciderably hotter then others do. Take a 75w halogen and a 75 w house hold lamp bulb for instance. although I think you have nothing to worry about at allwith heat from your actinic or 10k as long as you run a fan.

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