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Coral Vue Hydros

$30 skimmer


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I was browsing drs foster and smith, and saw this product.


Air-Driven Skimmer


My question is, do you think it will work? My tank is 20 gallons and has a fairly high bio-load.


A $30 skimmer is something I just can't pass up!

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Nick's Reef

With nano skimmers what you pay is what you get. If you really do need a skimmer look at the tunze doc 9002 or a remora hob. But basically with a nano you can get by with weekly 10% water changes.

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Is there a specific reason you feel your nano needs a skimmer?


Not really no. I think is is kind of overstocked, if not right on the border of overstocking, and I'm heard that skimmers can make a tank look a little nicer. I don't want to pay over $100 on one, so I was just wondering if I could possibly cut donw on some algae and nitrates slightly by putting in this cheap little skimmer.

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Are you usin good quality ro/di water? That'd be a good thing to put money towards if not.


That little skimmer is pretty much useless.

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Introduction of a skimmer increases O2 as well as helps w/ gas exchange, which can be a problem w/ Nanos.. food for thought.

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Are you usin good quality ro/di water? That'd be a good thing to put money towards if not.


I'm using RO water for my reef.

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Sexy Shrimp

Mine is similar and takes off a watery skimmate (light brown and runny). It takes about 3 days for the cup to fill. They don't work brilliantly but they do help a little and also do oxygenate the water to a degree. They are good in that they don't overskim which can be a problem in nanos...


Basically they can give you a little leeway if you are overfeeding in a new tank...

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DONT GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is a waste! had one in my nanocube and it did nothing! instead try the rio nano skimmer, heard lots of great reviews. on ebay is like 20 bucks.

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Mine is similar and takes off a watery skimmate (light brown and runny). It takes about 3 days for the cup to fill. They don't work brilliantly but they do help a little and also do oxygenate the water to a degree. They are good in that they don't overskim which can be a problem in nanos...


Basically they can give you a little leeway if you are overfeeding in a new tank...




I guess that's one way to put a positive spin on a skimmer that pretty much doesn't work. :P

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Don't waste the money. What kind of tank do you have? If its a normal aquarium and not an all in one like a Biocube or something of that nature, save up a little longer and get a CPR Bak Pak. They are over $100 bucks (your price point), but they are good skimmers. You would bascially be flushing money down the toilet on that skimmer though.

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OMFG did I say fission nano earlier? lol

I meant the HOB taam one.


I was wondering if you really meant that before...not sure if it was sarcsasm :lol:

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Yeah it wasn't sarcasm I think I just mentally replaced the words in my head. It happens more and more frequently actually... :huh:

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i had one of these guys in my Aquapod 24 gallon back in my etreme noob days, now im just a noob. anyway i used to use de-chlorinator until i got my ro/di filter, if you use de-chlorinator this skimmer will not work you get very wet bubble that burst and fill the collection cup with water, also it will produce millions of micro bubbles (really annoying), however with good filetered ro-di water it works decently not great but is a little noisy, you will need to empty it daily and still it will only remove a bit of skimmate thats not very concentrated oh and micro bubbles almost entirely dissapeared, i now have a 46 er with a aqua c remora which remove a litre of really nasty skimmate per week compared to the 24 gallon it would probably take out half a litre a week and the nano skimmer would maybe remove a tenth of that


hope this helps oh and the remora i got for $137

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