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Harlequin Shrimp


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Hey guys,


I fell in love with one of these several years ago when I saw one at my LFS. I was wondering if I could keep a star or two in my fuge and cut a leg off once in a while and feed it to the harlequin? Wouldn't the leg regenerate? I hear they only need one or two starfish a month... what are cheap methods to sustain these? Thanks!



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If you have the stomach to hack a leg off it *may* work (I just can't do it). My pair of harlequins eat a cc star every other week or so and my lfs only charges me $6 per star so all in all it's not a bad deal.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Be advised that the stars don't regenerate that quickly. They need to be fed if you keep them in your fuge, too. Otherwise they waste away. They are also not reef safe, so fuge is your onlychoice for holding them. They are scavengers, and are not algea eaters.

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Welcome, April:


Get used to it! If nothing else, you'll be feeding little dead presidents to a voracious block of water in no time.


Nature is nature, and thankfully there are peple asking around places like Nano-Reef for this sort of information, rather than bringing it home after the LFS guy wsays "It eats flake food" and watching the poor little bugger waste away.


Besides, they are really cool looking little animals, provided you can afford to tak

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So I guess all those little frozen mysid, brine shrimp, krill and such that make up your fish food aren't on the same level as a starfish?


Honestly, it's a matter of supplying the proper diet for the specimen, and then actually paying for it. I'm fine with it. They keep my big tank free of asterioides stars, too.

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sry man no disrespect i rushed that reply. Thinking about i could feed it a whole star if i loved it a lot.


no hard feelings :)


P.S has your shrimp got a name?

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  • 3 weeks later...


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